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Everything to know about "Whey Protein"

Everything to know about “Whey Protein”


Whey protein is one of the two proteins found in milk, Milk is made of two proteins, casein (80%) and whey (20%). Whey protein is a mixture of proteins isolated from whey. Whey protein can be separated from the casein in milk, found in the watery portion of milk or formed as a by-product of cheese making. When cheese is produced, the fatty parts of the milk coagulate and the whey is separated from it as a by-product. Whey consists of water-soluble proteins, water, milk sugar, vitamins and minerals. Whey protein is considered a complete protein as it contains all 9 essential amino acids.


1. Concentrate
2. Isolates
3. Hydrolysate

Concentrate: Protein concentrate contains small amounts of fat and lactose. The percentage of protein depends on how concentrated it is. It can range from 30-90%, so when you’re buying a protein concentrate be sure to get as much protein as possible

Suitable for:
– Anyone who wants an affordable protein powder
– Increased fat burning
– Maintain and increase muscle mass 

Isolate: Developing isolate protein demands a longer process than concentrate protein which makes it purer and therefore a bit more expensive since it contains more protein per scoop. It usually contains at least 90% protein, but because of a filtering process it loses some of the other good substances that a protein made from concentrate contains

Suitable for:

-Those who want to take their training to a new level
– Lactose intolerant

Hydrolysate: If isolate protein is considered quickly absorbed by the body, hydrolysate takes it to a new level. This protein is a pre-split isolate protein, thus the protein doesn’t have to be broken down by the body rather it dispatches to the muscles and is stored directly. Hydrolysate does not taste very good and is therefore often combined with protein isolate..

Suitable for:
– Elite level


Whey is used as a protein supplement. It is very useful for hitting targeted daily protein goals. Whey is absorbed faster than other forms of protein, which means it also increases muscle protein synthesis used to break a fasted state.

Whey also delivers a large amount of the amino acid L-cysteine, which can alleviate deficiencies that occur during aging and diabetes, as well as other conditions. While whey has also been claimed to increase fat loss, this is a function of protein, rather than the whey itself. This means that the whey itself does not reduce fat, but taking in more protein often aids with fat loss efforts


  • Maintains Healthy Weight

Studies show whey proteins, peptides and minerals can promote weight loss through influencing blood sugar balance, enhancing satiety and maintaining leaner body mass.

If you follow a higher protein diet after losing weight, you’ll only gain weight in the form of muscles.

  • Builds Lean Muscle

With regular resistance exercise, whey protein can help maximize muscle growth. Being one of the best sources of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), whey protein increases the body’s rate of making lean muscle. As a complete protein, it provides the essential amino acids necessary to maximize the benefits of your exercise program. Whey protein is one of the leading sources of Leucine, a type of BCAA thought to stimulate muscle growth.

  • Enhances Exercise Recovery

Whey protein can help repair muscle tissues after exercise.

Studies show that consuming whey protein during or after exercise may promote muscle strength, support muscle function and prevent muscle fatigue. When you exercise, muscle breaks down and taking whey protein after exercise can help rebuilding of muscles by increasing muscle synthesis.

  • Prevents Muscle Breakdown
  • Curbs Hunger

Consuming more protein can help people eat less, since protein, as part of a higher protein diet, enhances the feeling the fullness compared to fat or carbohydrates.

  • Boosts Immunity
  • Promotes Bone health
  • Supports Healthy Cardiovascular  System

Studies show that certain peptides in whey may have positive effect on hypertensive individuals. These whey peptides may help lower cholesterol levels and prevent build-up of plaque on blood vessels.



Taking whey protein is a convenient way to add 25-50 grams of protein on top of your daily intake. This can be important for bodybuilders and gym enthusiasts, as well as people who need to lose weight or are simply lacking protein in their diet.

Taking Whey Protein in a Morning

As glycogen stores run low overnight, the body is forced to turn to amino acid stores to power metabolic processes. This places the muscle into a catabolic (or breakdown) state. Whey protein is a fast-digesting protein that is perfect for when you wake up, since it quickly delivers amino acids to your muscles and counteracts muscle breakdown. Most experts recommend consuming a quality whey protein shake, such as Whey Protein 80, first thing in the morning. This is because of its impressive Biological Value and great amino acid profile which ultimately ‘sets’ you up for the day.

Taking Whey Protein Pre-Workout

A whey protein shake pre-workout is integral to creating a positive nitrogen balance in the body. This is necessary to stimulate protein synthesis and increase muscle mass. Protein is the building block of new muscle growth. Research has found that protein synthesis is increased when whey protein were taken ‘immediately before resistance exercise’. For this reason try including 25-35 grams of whey protein as the basis for your pre workout shake.

Taking Whey Protein Post Workout

Perhaps the most important time for athletes to take whey protein is immediately post-workout. This is because you’ve just put your muscles under a lot of stress and must now provide nutrients for repair and re-growth. A fast-acting protein source such as whey protein is the perfect choice. Research shows that after a strength based training session your muscles are starved and so have a ‘sponge-like’ property. Scientists believe you can therefore absorb more protein at this point compared to any other time of the day. Therefore it makes sense to add a large serving of whey protein post workout. This will serve as a great basis for your shake and kick-start the recovery process.

Taking Whey Protein Before Bed

Overnight some people will go several hours without food. With limited nutrients to your muscles, the muscle may then be forced to turn to amino acid stores to fuel metabolic processes. It is recommended to drink a whey protein shake prior to going to bed to stop your muscle from entering a catabolic state. Feeding the body in this way ensures that nutrients are available during the overnight fast and muscle breakdown can be avoided. Because of its fast release nature, many nutritionists prefer to recommend casein protein instead of whey protein before bed. This provides a tapered release of nutrients to the muscle overnight.

Everything to know about "mass"

Everything to know about “Mass Gainers”


Mass gainers are high-calorie supplements that contain various levels of protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and various other supplements. The amount of protein in a Mass Gainer may be less than that of Whey Protein but the level of carbohydrates and fats is certainly on a higher side, that is what differs from a  Protein and a Mass Gainer, Mass Gainers contain Carbohydrates along with the protein and has a high amount of calories, the high carbohydrate  amount is what boosts the calorie intake.

For the average exerciser or weightlifter, a mass gainer will provide:

  • A superior source of protein and carbohydrates
  • Convenient meal replacement solution
  • Concentrated calories

Mass Gainer Benefits

  1. Rich In Carbohydrates

Mass Gainers contain a rich amount of carbohydrates. These carbohydrates supply you with the required energy that is very helpful for an intense workout.

  1. Contains High-Quality Whey Protein

Mass Gainers contain high quality of Whey Protein, which is an amazing supplement for bodybuilding. Some Mass Gainers also come with dietary fat. This dietary fat can help you achieve a lean physique.

  1. Aids In Muscle Recovery & Growth

Mass Gainers aid in muscle recovery and growth. This is very helpful when you are following a regular bodybuilding regime because you need to achieve desired results which requires good muscle recovery process to stay focused and regular with your workout.

  1. Blend Of Minerals & Vitamins

Mass Gainers keep you healthy and fit. They are a good mix of different minerals and vitamins that are an important nourishment source for your body to stay healthy and fit.

  1. Rich In Fiber

Mass Gainers contain fiber. This keeps you away from being bloated and improves digestion. It is a great way to achieve overall health and fitness.


If you are one of those hard gainers who struggle to put on size then you could opt for a high calorie mass gainer which has a good amount of carbs and protein ratio, the amount of fats won’t matter a lot if you are a “Hard gainer” since every one of those macro nutrients will help add to the calories, the more the calories the more the size.

If you are holding on to a bit of fat and looking for more of a lean bulk then you could go for Lean Mass Gainers that has a higher dose of Protein and a clean source of carbohydrates, the carbs should be comprised of complex carbohydrates (slower digesting) as these tend to have more fibre which gives you more energy throughout the day, when looking at the amount of fat,  a mass gainer with low fat content will be ideal.


The amount of scoops you take will depend on your nutritional targets and the nutritional value of the particular product you’re using. Check out the calorie and macronutrient values of the supplement and tailor your intake to meet your targets for the day.

If you are looking to get the best result possible then take all the scoops that the product recommends, if you are looking to maintain your size or more considered about the fat then you could reduce the content.

Everything to know about "BCAAS"

Everything to know about “BCAAS”


BCAAs are the essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine, which comprise around 35% of your body’s muscle protein. They’re “essential” because your body doesn’t make them on its own—you have to get them from food and workout supplements. Like other amino acids, they’re the building blocks of protein. But these particular aminos may also help preserve muscle glycogen stores, which fuel your muscles and minimize protein breakdown during exercise.

Leucine plays an important role in muscle protein synthesis, while isoleucine induces glucose uptake into cells. Further research is needed to determine valine’s role in a BCAA supplement.

BCAAs are important to ingest on a daily basis, but many protein sources, such as meat and eggs, already provide BCAAs. Supplementation is unnecessary for people with a sufficiently high protein intake (1-1.5g per kg of bodyweight a day or more).

Why Take BCAAs?


Three of the nine essential amino acids are called branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). These are leucine, isoleucine and valine. They account for approximately 35% of essential amino acids in muscle proteins.

BCAAs can be oxidised in skeletal muscle, whereas other essential amino acids are catabolised (broken down) mainly in the liver.

Exercise greatly increases energy expenditure and promotes oxidation of BCAAs in the muscles, therefore supplementation can be helpful for those who wish to maintain or increase muscle mass.

The branched-chain amino acid, leucine, is particularly special as it has been shown that when taken orally, it promotes muscle protein-synthesis (creation of muscle protein).



Here are the ways branched-chain amino acids can help you stay swole when you’re dieting.


Branched-chain amino acids (which are the essential amino acids valine, isoleucine, and leucine) stimulate muscle protein synthesis, potentially more than a normal protein on its own. Protein synthesis is the metabolic process when your body makes new muscle protein, also known as gains.


Increased BCAA levels also work in your favor by reducing the rate of protein breakdown. They do this by decreasing the activity of the protein breakdown pathway, and also by decreasing the expression of several complexes involved in protein breakdown. (They decrease the amount of mRNA produced from the gene that codes for these components.)

BCAA Supplementation Reduces Fatigue and Increase Endurance

BCAA Supplementation Increases Lean Mass

BCAA Supplementation May Reduce Soreness

BCAA Supplementation May Reduce Muscle Damage


Amino acid supplementation could also help you get a more intense workout. Branched-chain amino acids compete with the amino acid tryptophan for entry into the brain, where tryptophan can be converted to the neurotransmitter serotonin.

During exercise, serotonin levels rise and can make you feel more fatigued, meaning you won’t be able to push as hard.

BCAA supplementation reduces the amount of tryptophan that gets through the blood-brain barrier, and therefore reduces the amount of serotonin produced. This might allow you to work harder, longer, and get more gains.


Essential amino acids include all the amino acids that cannot be made by the body, including BCAAs. You must get them from protein foods. There are nine essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and valine. Your body can make non-essential amino acids by itself from vitamins and other amino acids.

BCAA content of foods (grams of amino acids/100 g of protein)

Whey protein isolate 26%
Milk protein 21%
Muscle protein 18%
Soy protein isolate 18%
Wheat protein 15%

BCAA Dosage

BCAA powder can be taken in 5g dosages, 2-4 times daily, whenever needed. Consume pre-workout, during training (the powdered form is available as flavoured or unflavoured), post-workout, or during the day to help with delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Capsules have different dosage recommendations.

Good Food Habits for Sri Lankans

Good Food Habits for Sri Lankans

The trend for fitness and healthy living is growing at an escalating rate in Sri Lanka at the moment. Historically, Sri Lankans are known to be fit and strong because of the food we traditionally consume and because of the lifestyle we follow. But over the years, things have gradually changed and the advent of international food chains (fast food) have conquered us and we have started to change our lifestyles according to it. In addition to this, we have adopted a more physically relaxing routine where we have become stagnated in our own office chair and have become rather lethargic.


Time to change it Sri Lanka!

Alot of our fellow Sri Lankans sport a huge belly and muffin tops especially the people who does desk work. Our most common excuse is, “How can we catch time for a workout?” or “It’s easy to eat something from a fast food stop than making food at home”. Those are few of the common recurring excuses that come up from time to time. It’s the getaway answer and like it or not, at the same time we say “Hello” to all the health issues. This is why we must ensure that we allocate at least 1 hour from our daily schedule. This is why we must eat clean because at the end of the day, we are doing it for us.


Eat Clean, Always!

Before you start any fitness activity, eating healthy plays a huge role. They say it’s 30% Workouts and 70% Diet. This has a truth behind it.

In Sri Lanka, it’s difficult to go for a calorie counting practice as most of the food doesn’t come with the nutrition facts. But controlling the quantities of food is a must.

In Sri Lanka, we have a wide variety of foods which provides an array of health benefits. Especially from the organic food items which is found all over Sri Lanka. It’s a matter of thinking twice and replacing the food we typically consume with healthy food.

Simple things that won’t cost you a thing but in-return will help you to be energized.

For an example-

  • Drink a lot of water. Water doesn’t have calories! Water does have many benefits!
  • Red rice as a substance for white rice.
  • Adding more food with proteins such as dhaal, soya beans, meat, fish to your daily intakes
  • Adding greens to your food which gives many benefits.
  • Avoid bread which is full of carbs.
  • Avoid deep fried food.
  • Avoid processed meat.
  • Control your liquor intake. It’s preferable if you can stop altogether.
  • Avoid saturated fats as much as you can.
  • Fizzy drinks just adds calories to our body and are extremely high in sugar. Avoid it like the plague!

The list goes on and on, but for starters we all could adhere to these few tips.


This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a comfort food once in a while. Yes you can. But always remember, if you eat, you must burn. It’s always better to have an idea about the number of calories the standard food contains. So you automatically start thinking of ways to avoid unhealthy food.

One thing you can assure is when you start eating in a healthy way, you will feel a sense of immense lightness in your body. When you consume the right amount of proteins for your breakfast and your lunch, you will not feel hungry in between the meals and especially during the night.


Good food habits will drive you towards a healthy lifestyle. It’s the starting point of your Fitness Journey. When you think about achieving a chiseled mid-section, you are skipping one major point; the food. A lot of health problems such as Diabetes, Cholesterol and Obesity exist because we eat the wrong food and we don’t think when we eat.

Try it once and then your mindset will be changed, your lifestyle will be changed! In a positive way for a positive future.

Written By – Shehan Perera.

Carbohydrates, Proteins

Carbohydrates, Proteins & Fats

Nutrition provides body with energy, builds muscle, bone and organs, and a lack of attention to the aforementioned areas is what sets apart healthy  individuals from unhealthy individuals.

Of the 6 main nutrients, – i.e. carbohydrates, proteins, fat, water, vitamins and minerals the discussion in this article focusses on the 3 major nutrients of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, as follows:

1) Carbohydrates:

  • Provide stored energy (Glycogen and Fat)
  • Instant energy source and 1 gram provides 4 calories
  • Protein sparing (prevents protein used as source of energy)
  • Aid in fat burning
  • Should ideally be 55% of your daily food intake

Examples of carbohydrates usage in common activity include the following activities:

  • Walking = least amount less than 50%
  • Medium Jog = around 50%
  • Running = More than 50 %

Note: physically active population should take in an adequate amount of carbohydrates depending on sports and energy requirements per each individual and each respective physical activity.

Common Food Items:
Food Total Calories
Apple 84
Orange Juice 112
Corn Flakes 104
Potato Baked 224
White bread (1 slice) 65
Banana 121
Carbonated drink (1 can) 164


(NOTE: There could be slight variances in calories for individual food items, depending on brand, so make sure to check all food labels before purchase)

2) Proteins:

  • Build and maintain muscle, bones and organs
  • Provide 4 calories per gram
  • Transport nutrition to proper body tissues
  • Are responsible Hormone production
  • Maintain blood volume and sweat rate when you exercise
  • Should be 15% of your daily total calorie intake

Note: It is advisable to have no more than 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body weight (this topic will be covered in an upcoming article).

Common Food Items:

Food Total Calories
Tuna (3 oz. canned) 129
Chicken breast roasted 185
Crab meat (1 cup/8 oz.) 123
Salmon (3 oz. canned) 113
Cheddar Cheese (1 oz.) 109
Shrimp (3 oz.) 97


3) Fat:

  • Insulates your body in extreme temperature
  • Provides 9 calories per gram
  • Carries essential nutrient (Ex: Vitamin K, D, A, E)
  • Cushions against concussive forces
  • Should be 25% of daily total calories (mainly from healthy fat).

Commonly used classification:

  • Triglycerides = Common from dietary fats and oils
  • Saturated Fat = Increase cholesterol found in meat and diary products
  • Low density Lipoprotein (LDL) = Major carrier of cholesterol and lipids in blood
  • High density Lipoprotein (HDL) = Carry lipids away from storage and to liver for metabolism (Removal of cholesterol)


Common Food Items:
Food Total Calories
Butter (1 tbsp.) 99
Coconut (Raw  – 1 cup) 303
Avocado (1 whole) 371
Olive Oil (1 tbsp.) 126
Feta Cheese 74
Doughnut Plain 216
Chicken Breast (fried) 354
Whole Milk 148


Always remember also to EAT ACCORDING TO YOUR ACTIVITY LEVEL.  By eating more food and consuming more calories, than you burn, will result in you gaining fat and make you unhealthy.  Also, eating less food and consuming less calories than your body requires for your level of physical activity, will cause you to lose your lean muscle and make you unhealthy.

Homemade Natural Protein Shake (No whey)

Homemade Natural Protein Shake (No whey)

Got No Whey Protein? No Problem, we got the solution for you!

Here’s how to make a quick Natural Protein Shake, that you could easily make at anytime of the day!

Ingredients:  50g of oats, Peanut Butter or Peanuts (Crushed), 200 ML of Fresh Milk/Non Fat Milk, Cocoa, Hint of Vanilla Essence for taste.


Note: If you cant afford peanut butter, Here’s a small hack, just buy a couple peanuts of around 20g, crush and blend into a power form.


Simple, Simply Add all the ingridients to a Blender! Blend! and Enjoy!


Nutritional Content: Consists of around 30 – 40g of protein per shake, the content depends on the amount of ingredients you use.

Consume this either Pre/Post workout, or anytime of the day to get a good source of Protein and Complex Carbohydrates.

Tip: If you are a samaposha fan, add around 30g for additional Protein and clean Carbohydrates

Killer Carbs to Avoid!

Killer Carbs to Avoid!

Low-to-no-carb diets have been all the rage for years. There was the Atkin’s Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Dukan diet, the Ketogenic diet, and the Paleo diet—to name just a few of the more popular plans. Many swear by the diets’ weight loss benefits, but several new studies suggest that limiting carbs may do more than slim your waistline—it may even save your life.


Some people are just plain eating too many carbs, and these are the signs you are one of them. If you overindulge on high carb foods, limiting those carbs can be a life-saver, literally.

In one study, people who ate a lot of carbs (more than 60 percent of their daily calories) had a nearly 30 percent greater risk of dying during a seven-plus year period than people eating a low-carb diet.Here’s how the researchers figured this out: In their Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study, they followed people aged 35 to 70 from 18 countries for 7.4 years on average. Participants answered questions about the foods they ate using a standard questionnaire, and researchers categorized them into groups based on their intake of carbs, fats, and protein.During the study period, 5,796 participants died and 4,784 had heart attacks or strokes. Researchers took a look at their diets and found that those who consumed the greatest amount of carbs were more likely to die, when compared with their counterparts who consumed the least. Fat, however, seemed protective. People who ate high-fat diets (about 35 percent of daily energy intake) had a 23 percent lower risk of mortality, and an 18 percent lower risk of stroke compared to low intake group (11 percent energy).

Here are those killer carbs to avoid:

Sweetened Soda and Coffee drinks

Also high on the list of dangerous carbs are sweetened sodas,. A can of Coke has 39 grams of carbs, not to mention at least 150 empty calories. Flavored lattes are also on the hit list as they rank high in blood-sugar spiking carbs,  soda especially, have been linked to skyrocketing rates of obesity.

White rice, Bread, and Pasta

These foods are examples of simple carbohydrates that give carbs a bad name,. ‘All carbs are not created equal.’ White processed carbs are low in fiber and tend to spike blood sugar: ‘Read food labels and make sure the fiber content is greater than 3 grams per serving.’Brown rice, wild rice, and quinoa are healthier alternatives to white rice. Whole grain pastas and breads are also smart substitutions.

Breakfast Cereals

Speaking of breakfast, even some of the healthier-sounding cereals in the aisle may be high carb foods loaded with simple sugars and low in nutritional value,. Check the fiber content and make sure it is above 3 grams per serving, and choose single ingredient cereals for breakfast such as oatmeal when and where you can.

Cookies, Doughnuts, and Baked Goods

Simple carbs such as doughnuts, muffins, and cookies lack essential vitamins and minerals. They also spike blood sugar quickly and then cause an energy low, unlike complex carbs that are made up of starch and fiber and release gradually to provide a steady source of energy. ‘

Most Healthy and Nutritious Sri Lankan Snack

Most Healthy and Nutritious Sri Lankan Snack

Samaposha, a pre-cooked cereal based nutritious supplement food, is made from corn, soya, green gram and rice, and is a very good addition to a diet to anyone who is into fitness or looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Nutritional Facts of 100g of Samaposha

Calories 396 Sodium 0 mg
Total Fat 7 g Potassium 0 mg
Saturated 0 g Total Carbs 64 g
Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 2 g
Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 0 g
Trans 0 g Protein 20 g
Cholesterol 0 mg


Samaposha can be consumed in many ways, The most common is by consuming it with milk.

It could also be made into the traditional “Aggala” (mixture rolled into small balls)

What you need

  • 1 cup Samaposha
  • 1/2 cup of Scrapped Coconut
  • 1tsp Sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • Few drops of plain tea

How you are going to make
Add all the above mentioned ingredients together and mix it in a bowl. If necessary add ware to hold the mixture. Take enough mixture in to palm and make aggala.

Samaposha could be added to your diet anytime of the day, You could have it for Pre/Post workout, as its carbohydrates are complex, it will digest throughout the day, which could be utilized as energy for your daily routines and workouts.

What is carb loading?

What is carb loading?

A carbohydrate-loading diet, also called a carb-loading diet, is a strategy to improve your athletic performance for endurance events by increasing the amount of fuel stored in your muscles.

Carbohydrate loading occurs when you eat a high-carbohydrate “training diet” at the same time that you scale back your activity level in the days before an event.

Any physical activity requires carbohydrates for fuel. For most recreational activity, your body uses its existing energy stores for fuel.

But when you engage in long, intense athletic events, your body needs extra energy to keep going. The purpose of carbohydrate loading is to give you the energy you need to complete an endurance event with less fatigue, improving your athletic performance.

The number of carbs you can eat ranges from 2.3–5.5 grams per pound (5–12 grams per kg) of body weight per day. If you weighed 154 pounds (70 kg), that would work out to 350–840 grams of carbs per day

For most athletes, 5 to 7 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight daily is right for general training. (Note that 1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds.) Endurance athletes may need up to 12 grams per kilogram.

Types of Carb Loading

Classic 6-Day

During the first three days of this program, you exercise while consuming a low-carb diet that gets about 15% of its calories from carbs

The combination of exercise and low carbohydrate intake decreases your body’s glycogen stores.

During days four to six of this program, you consume a high-carb diet that gets about 70% of its calories from carbs. You also reduce exercise on day four and perform no exercise on days five and six.


For the first three days, this program involves eating a moderate-carb diet that gets about 50% of its calories from carbs. This is followed by three days of a high-carb diet, with about 70% of calories from carbs

Throughout these six days, you gradually decrease the amount you exercise. During days four to six, you only perform 0–20 minutes of exercise per day.

Classic 3-Day

This program is shorter and simpler than the six-day programs.

At the beginning of the three days, you perform one exercise session until your body is exhausted, For the remainder of the three days, you perform no exercise while consuming a high-carb diet that gets about 70% of its calories from carbs.


The one-day program is the simplest of them all.

You do not exercise for one day, and you consume a high-carb diet of about 4.5 grams per pound (10 grams per kg) of body weight.



Carbohydrate loading may give you more energy during an endurance event. You may feel less fatigued and see an improvement in your performance after carbohydrate loading. But carbohydrate loading isn’t effective for everyone.

Other factors can influence your athletic performance or interfere with the effectiveness of your carbohydrate-loading strategy, including how fit you are, how well you hydrate and how intensely you exercise. Even with carbohydrate loading, you still may feel muscle fatigue.

For men, a carbohydrate-loading diet can increase the levels of glycogen stored in the muscles as much as 100 percent of your normal amount. Women may need to consume more calories than usual during carbohydrate loading to get the same benefits as men do.

Despite carbohydrate loading, you still need to replenish your body’s energy during endurance events to maintain your blood sugar levels. You can do this by periodically consuming sports drinks, gels, or bars, fruit, or hard or chewy candies during your event at the rate of 30 to 60 grams every hour or two. And don’t forget to eat carbohydrate-rich foods after your endurance event, too, to replenish your glycogen stores.

Foods to Eat and Avoid During Carb Loading

To get the recommended amount of carbohydrates, you should focus on foods that are high-carb, low-fat and don’t have too much fiber.

Foods to Eat


  • Low-fiber cereals
  • Fruit juices
  • White noodles with marinara sauce
  • White bread
  • Fruit jelly
  • White rice
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Skinned white potatoes
  • Applesauce
  • Pretzels
  • Fruit, including bananas, oranges and watermelon
  • White flour, used in cooking
  • Sherbet or popsicles
  • Sports drinks
  • Low-fat energy bars

Of course, it is also important to have protein to support your muscles. Try to focus on lean protein sources, such as fish, lean cuts of meat or poultry and fat-free dairy.

What’s more, eat foods you enjoy and that are familiar to you. Try to find the best compromise between the recommendations and foods you enjoy.

Many people eat high-carb foods that are high-fat too. It is best to avoid these during carb loading.

Foods to Avoid


Below are some examples of foods that may seem high-carb but are also high-fat and therefore inappropriate for carb loading.

  • Creamy sauces, such as Alfredo sauce
  • Muffins
  • Crackers
  • Chips
  • Cookies
  • Pizza
  • Brownies
  • Ice cream
  • Pastries
  • French fries
  • Donuts
  • Certain energy bars
Exercise or Food?

Exercise or Food?

This is a global issue among many fitness seeking diet-conscious people who are trying to be healthy, look good, prevent disease, lose weight (reduce fat), and to carry on daily  physical and/or athletic activities.

So what do most people do in order to achieve such goals as listed above? Many popular beliefs that the #1 way to GET RESULTS immediately and over the long-term include the following list:

  • Exercising more and eating less
  • Exercising and eat what they like
  • Eating healthy without exercising
  • Eating huge quantities and exercising a lot

However, all of these approached are misnomers and yet are common mistakes people make in their fervent and zealous efforts to improve their physical appearance and achieve their health and fitness goals.  Instead, and according to worldwide research and studies performed by top fitness industry institutions, it’s widely recommended that exercising in accordance with your lifestyle requirements, eating healthy quantities of food in a balanced diet, and finding a healthy balance of all of your activities, is the only way to permanently reach your GOAL!  In addition, regularly maintaining this healthy lifestyle is the key to your long-term success!

Over my ten year fitness career, I have personally helped to facilitate such positive results training a number of worldwide clients who have sought my services for a variety of reasons, – ranging from a desire to improve sports specific performance; strength and conditioning training; other athletic goals;  body shaping or toning; weight reduction and fat loss; and/or simply for other health or aesthetic reasons.   With all of these varied fitness goals, one common denominator rang true for all of my clients’ successes,  – all of them achieved success with properly planned exercise regime  in combination with a proper plan of daily nutrition under the guidance of a trained fitness professional.

Different Foods Suit Different People

Different groups in exercising, diet-conscious populations have varying nutritional dietary requirements based on their different body structure, age, weight, and current level of fitness and activity requirements. One portion size/quantity does NOT fit, as previously stated; each individual will have different energy requirements based on their particular body structure and metabolism levels.  Listed below are a number of important reasons people should consider engaging in a plan of balanced and healthy eating:

Disease Prevention through Proper Diet – this will fall under eating for health benefit as certain vitamins minerals, fibers, photo chemicals and antioxidants are known to reduce/prevent and eliminate below conditions (High blood pressure, cholesterol, and high and low blood-sugar levels, other cardio vascular problems, Stress related medical issues, Osteoporosis etc.)

Rehabilitation – Certain vitamins and minerals (C, E, B, D, A, K, Iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, etc.) Proteins (whey, egg, casein) and fats(Omega 3 &6) are known to speed up your recovery (Post injury and Surgical, from other medical complications)

General Fitness and Appearance – This is the combination of all food groups Proteins, Fruits, Carbohydrates, Vegetables, Fats , Water taken at right time , right quantity to enhance your results for general fitness or cosmetic goals, growth and development and daily energy requirement this is the most popular reason among (Older Adults, Kids/youth , Adult men and women)

Sports Specific – This is Performance nutrition this is to manipulate all food and hydration in order to enhance your sports performance and recovery .before one could decide on this have to look in to key areas such as depends of the sports, Athletes playing position, structure of the person and body mass, lean mass, metabolic factors, Energy requirement, recovery aspect etc. As this will vary (Cricket, Athletics, Tennis, Rugby, Swimming, Professional Modeling etc.)

Regardless of your motivation to improve and maintain your health and fitness, it’s important to blend a number of key components into a progressive exercise plan in order to achieve your health, fitness, and aesthetic and/or physical/athletic performance goals. The combination of these basic fitness components together with an established fitness and exercise plan should include a healthy blend of the following list below.

  • Cardio Vascular & Respiratory Exercise (heart, lung and circulatory benefits)
  • Strength Training (musculoskeletal physical activity)
  • Flexibility (improve range of motion)
  • Functional Training (movement specific)
  • Rest (mental and physical)
  • Basic Components of Nutrition

These basic components of nutrition are crucial in order for our bodies to exist, move, and recover with proper combination can help us enhance our physical activities and/or athletic performance on a regular basis. Proper nutrition can be obtained by maintaining a balanced amount of the key three nutrient factors listed below:

  • Macro Nutrients – protein, carbohydrates, and fat combined to provide major source of energy, promoting cellular repair and restoring hormone functions and regularize metabolism.
  • Micro Nutrients – vitamins and minerals in conjunction with macro nutrients will help you achieve overall well being, health, performance, cosmetic goals, aid in nerve conduction, improve muscle contractions, and maintain electrolyte balances.
  • Water – proper water consumption helps you maintain adequate blood levels, transport nutrients throughout your body, as well as regulate your body temperature and to enhance cellular functions.

By blending these three nutrient factors listed above, you can increase your energy level and minimize health risks. Conversely, if you do not blend these three vital nutrients into your daily meals, then your overall health, fitness, and performance will be compromised and negatively impacted. Isolating even just one nutrient factor could even compromise your ability to achieve and expect lasting results.

Whether your health and fitness goals are motivated by your desire to improve your overall health, fitness and daily diet, your physical appearance (i.e. toning and/or weight reduction), or your athletic or physical performance, it is important to establish a plan of action that incorporates an adequate amount of nutrition and regular exercise based on your individual requirements.

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