Things to look in the label

In a world where health and wellness are paramount, navigating the sea of dietary supplements can be both empowering and overwhelming. The key to making informed choices lies in the details, often found within the seemingly intricate labels adorning supplement bottles. These labels serve as a roadmap, providing crucial information about what you’re putting into your body.

Understanding how to decipher these labels can make the difference between a worthwhile addition to your health regimen and a product that falls short of expectations. In this guide, we’ll unravel the mysteries behind supplement labels, shedding light on the essential elements to scrutinize before making your next purchase. From nutritional content to quality assurances, embark with us on a journey through the fine print, empowering yourself to make informed decisions that align with your health and wellness goals.

Proprietary blends

Proprietary blends in protein products can be concerning for consumers because they don’t disclose the exact amounts of ingredients in the blend. This means you might get lower-quality proteins in the mix, even if the total protein content is claimed to be high. To avoid this, check the protein per serving relative to the serving size – higher protein per serving indicates higher quality. Be cautious of blends that provide less protein and more fillers if the amount of ingredients percentage is not specified. Also according to the FDA in the ingredientes section of a product label has to be in descending order of the items used, therefore the first  ingredient in the label is the most used one.

Amino Spiking 

Protein spiking typically involves using non-protein nitrogen-containing substances like creatine or glutamine to artificially increase the protein content of a product. To avoid falling into this trap, be wary of ingredient lists that include these amino acids as potential indicators of protein spiking. Choosing products with transparent amino acid profiles and third-party testing helps ensure protein quality and minimizes the risk of spiking.

Eg. MusclePharm Protein Spiking Lawsuit 2015

Serving Size

Apart from scientific data, some companies use subtle tricks to make their products appear more appealing to consumers. One such tactic is manipulating the serving size on the label. They increase the serving size (resulting in lower protein per serving) but prominently display this larger serving size on the label. However, they may include a larger scoop inside the container, not accounting for its weight in the measurements. For instance, the label may indicate a 30g serving size, but when measured with the included scoop (excluding its weight), it may actually be 40g. This can give the impression of higher protein per serving, but it reduces the number of servings in the container.

As a consumer when you are comparing two products, it’s essential to consider the total weight of the container and check the nutritional information based on 100g to make a fair comparison. This ensures that you’re comparing products accurately and not being misled by variations in serving size and scoop weight.