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20 Minute Extreme Fat Loss Workout

20 Minute Extreme Fat Loss Workout!

Looking to Burn off those stubborn fat that’s stuck on your body? Tried doing endless Cardio workouts and Still not getting the results you desire?

Well Fear no more, We at have catered a result deriving quick and Efficient Workout that you can perform anytime of the day at the gym for both Males and Females to help boost your fat metabolism and achieve your Weight Loss Goals.

Extreme Fat Loss Workout

Fat burners Sri lanka


Frequency – 3 Times per week
Workout 1 Duration Reps Sets Comments
Barbell Deadlift Superset with Barbell Row 12 5 Only take 10 to 15 secs of rest between sets
Barbell Squats 10 5 Pause at the bottom for 2 secs
Barbell Thrusters 15 5 Only take 10 to 15 secs of rest between sets

Note – Make sure to add a weight, something that is light and will get you pushing through the given Reps and Sets.

Make sure to take a good 10 minute break and follow Workout 2 Right away!

Fat loss ladies

Workout 2 Duration Reps Sets Comments
Jumping Jacks 45 secs 5 Take 15 to 20 secs rest Between Sets
Mountain Climbers 45 secs 5 Take 15 to 20 secs rest Between Sets
Skipping / High Knees 45 secs 5 Take 15 to 20 secs rest Between Sets
Planks 1 Minute 3 Take 15 to 20 secs rest Between Sets


With Workout 2, you complete the workout session for the day, Try to perform this 2 to 3 times per week consistently and you will be seeing some great Fat Loss progress.

Things to Note

Always Remember this is a General Program, We cant assure it would work for everyone, but we catered it to stimulate Fat loss through the intensity. What works for your friend might not work for you, since our body types differ from person to person, same goes with metabolic rates. Some people tend to have very slow metabolism, which would need more work.

Diet is Crucial, With a weak Diet. You would be seeing No results, even if you’re working out consistently, So make sure to allocate a good diet plan that will help you fuel through your workouts and provide the necessary nutrition.

To those looking for a customized Program to cater to your specified Body Goals, We would Recommend our Online Coaching Programs. Where we Cater customized workout and diet plans allocated to your Goal.

Get an Additional 10% OFF on Both Programs when you Register today!


HULK STRENGTH – Workout Plan

This program is dedicated to those who Chase nothing but pure strength, HULK LIKE STRENGTH.

The Hulk Workout | Athletix Edge

Strength GAINS are maintained through consistency, Nutrition and a well structured program, Different people have different Body types so note that this program is just for the purpose of understanding how a strength based program should look like. For custom based workouts , we would recommend you to Register for our online coaching Programs where we make customized programs focusing on your ideal body goal.

For this program, We shall be taking the top compound movements for each major muscle group and focus on strength based reps and sets. SPECIAL NOTICE – You need to have a good years of experience of lifting to follow this program, since your body needs to handle all the heavy weight, if you are a newbie or beginner we wouldn’t recommend to attempt this program.

The 3-Phase Plan to Get 25% Stronger in 12 Weeks | Muscle & Fitness

For the first week, lets follow this.

 DAY 1, DAY 3, Day 5 – Full Body 5rm – This method of lifting is a common lifting technique, one of the best to build a mind muscle strength connection, 1 week of this same training patter.

Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Squats 5 5
Barbell Bench Press 5 5
Deadlift 5 5
Military Press 5 5
Tricep close grips 5 5
Bicep Barbell Curls 5 5

For the 2nd week, lets follow this.

DAY 1, DAY 3, Day 5 – Full Body Hypertrophy reps  The second week, you’d notice a shift in the exercises, from barbells to dumbbells, This is because dumbbells are significantly important when it comes to strength building, it builds an overall balance, and the reps increase to Hypertrophy levels, to make sure muscle growth is maintained throughout. Remember MORE Muscle MORE GAINS = STRENGTH

Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Front Squats 3 12,10,10
Dumbell Bench Press 3 12,10,10
Barbell Rows 3 10,10,10
Dumbell Shoulder Press 3 10,8,8
Tricep Weighted Dips 3 12,10,10
Dumbell Curls 3 12,12,10

WEEK 3 – Repeat Week 1

Week 4 – Repeat Week 2.


For the 5th week, lets follow this.

DAY 1, DAY 3, Day 5 – Full Body 3rm  This is when we reach to the point where we test your peak strength levels and you push your limits, The rep ranges are low, but you push your very best. Note – We would recommend to have a solid warm up exercise for every muscle group, before starting the heavy reps.

Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Squats 4 3
Dumbell Bench Press 4 3
Barbell Rows 4 3
Dumbell Shoulder Press 4 3
Tricep Overhead Dumbells 4 3
Bicep Barbell Curls 4 3

For the 6th week, lets follow this.

DAY 1, DAY 3, Day 5 – Full Body Hypertrophy.The second week, you’d notice a shift in the exercises, from barbells to dumbbells, This is because dumbbells are significantly important when it comes to strength building, it builds an overall balance, and the reps increase to Hypertrophy levels, to make sure muscle growth is maintained throughout. Remember MORE Muscle MORE GAINS = STRENGTH

Exercise Sets Reps
Leg Press 3 12,10,10
Cable Chest Flyes 3 12,10,10
Laptpull downs 3 10,10,10
Dumbbell Front Raises 3 10,8,8
Tricep Weighted Dips 3 12,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 3 12,12,10

For the 7th week, and FINAL WEEK lets follow this.

DAY 1, DAY 3, Day 5 – 1/2rpm – The final week where all your Best Compound movements are tested, lets make sure to get a good warm up for each muscle group, and then move onto 1-2 RPM for each exercise. This is when you go all out, stack up your very best and push by yourself for a clean 1 to 2 reps, Do keep a spotter next to you to be safe and dont ego lift. Listen to your mind.

Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Squats 1/2 1 – 2
Barbell Bench Press / Dumbell Bench Press 1/2 1 -2
Barbell Deadlifts 1/2 1 – 2
Dumbell Shoulder Press / Barbell Military Press 1/2 1 – 2
Tricep Close grips 1/2 1 – 2
Bicep Barbell Curls 1/2 1 – 2
No Weights Needed

No Weights Needed Homeworkout Program



2 No-Equipment Home Workouts From Bobby Maximus Using Body Weight

The Lockdown is over us again, uncertain at some places but many of us have taken precautions and have decided to make gains the safe way, that is at home.
We know that not all of you have weights at home, and are trying to find a way to find an effective Bodyweight program to hit all Muscle groups.


Dont worry we got you a Simple, Quick and Effective Program that you can Perform anytime a day, to make sure you MAINTAIN and MAKE GAINS whilst at home.


9 Best No-Equipment Home Workouts For Men | Man of Many



  1. A Resistance Band : Dont have a resistance band? Shop here

  2. A good level of Motivation

If you want some Motivation We recommend reading some of our articles to help give you a boost mentally.


We would also recommend you to Join our online coaching programs to get a complete CUSTOMIZED DIET & WORKOUT Program made to cater your EXACT body goals. We can help you with that. CLICK HERE.


BODY WEIGHT SQUAT (HAVE A BACKPACK) 20 3 LEGS Slow Eccentric and Concentric Movement
Flat Push ups superset with Incline Push ups superset with Decline Push ups 10 3 CHEST / SHOULDERS/ TRICEPS
WIDE GRIP PUSH UP 12 4 BACK Slow Eccentric and Concentric Movement
BODY WEIGHT SQUAT (HAVE A BACKPACK) 20 3 LEGS Slow Eccentric and Concentric Movement
Flat Push Up superset with Incline Resistance band pulls 10 3 CHEST / SHOULDERS/ TRICEPS
Incline Resistance band cable rows superset with Resistance band standing rows 15 3 BACK Slow Eccentric and Concentric Movement
Resistance band lateral raises superset with Front Raises 10 3 SHOULDERS
Resistance band Upright Rowa 12 3 SHOULDERS/TRAPS
Resistance band Tricep Overhead 15 4 TRICEPS Slow Eccentric and Concentric Movement
Resistance Band Standing Curls 15 4 BICEPS Slow Eccentric and Concentric Movement

Perform workout as followed :

  • DAY 3 REST

NOTE : We make customized Programs tailored to your idea body goal from Diet plans to Workout plans all scientifically analyzed.  For more information CLICK HERE.




Say BA BYE to stubborn fat with this intense workout planned designed to keep your metabolism elevated throughout the day, to promote fat loss. The workout is based on a mix of Weights and HIIT( High Intensity Training) proven by many studies is one of the best forms of cardio to torch fat.

DIET : Low Carb, High Protein, Moderate Healthy Fats

Duration : 4 weeks

Fat Loss
Barbell Squats 5 10,8,6,6,5
Sumo Squats 5 10,8,6,6,5
Deadlifts 5 10,8,6,6,5
One Arm rows 5 10,8,6,6,5
Weighted Push ups 5 10,8,6,6,5
Snatch press 5 10,8,6,6,5
Tricep Dips 5 10,8,6,6,5
Bicep Curls 5 10,8,6,6,5
HIIT TRAINING 20 minutes
DAY 3 SETS REPS 1 minute rest periods
Dumbbells Step ups 3 20
Kettlebell swings 4 20
Dumbbells lunges 4 15
Romanian deadlifts 4 12
Planks 3 1 minute each
HIIT Training Time
20 minutes
Leg raises 4 15
Leg pulls 4 12
Bicycle crunches 3 12
Scissor kicks 3 12
Flutter kicks 3 12
Hanging  leg holds 3 1 minutes x 3
DAY 4 : Rest
DAY 5: Repeat DAY 1
DAY 6: Repeat DAY 2

* However following the same program over a month will result in muscle plateau due to the body adapting to the training program, hence we recommend to change the training program and the diet plan following 1 month to continuously see progress.

Sign up for Online coaching program, where we make affordable customized training programs and diet plans to suit your training goals.
8 weeks to grow


Struggling to put on size? Stop overtraining your muscles, Simply follow this 8 week program and thank us later.

The program works each muscle group hard once per week using mostly heavy compound exercises. You will train on a 3 day split routine, resting on Wednesdays, Fridays and the weekends. To get the most out of this program you need to be eating BIG. Big meals, at least 5 times a day.

The program is designed to elevate muscle hypertrophy through rep ranges that focus on strength training and conditioning, but REMEMBER, Diet is key here, without adequate calories, your muscle will NOT GROW! So EAT BIG & LIFT HEAVY! Have no clue of what foods you should be eating, and how many calories? Click here for our online coaching programs and get a customized diet plan today.


WEEK 1 to 4 : Focusses on moreover heavy lifts, to promote more muscle hypertrophy, Compound lifts will be a primary focus, with rep ranges of 8 to 10.

DAY 1 : Chest/Triceps
Barbell Chest Press 3 10,8,6
Dumbbells Chest press 3 10,8,6
Incline Barbell press 3 10,8,8
Decline Barbell press 3 10,8,8
Cable Cross over 3 10,10,10
Close grip barbell 3 10,8,8
Tricep cable push down 3 10,8,8
Skull Crushers 3 10,8,8
Tricep kick backs 3 10,10,8
Crunches 3 12
Leg raises 3 12
Bicyle crunches 3 12
DAY 2 : Legs/Shoulders
Barbell Squats 3 10,8,8
Leg Press 3 10,8,8
Dumbbells Sumo Squats 3 10,8,8
Lying leg curls 3 10,8,8
Calg raises 3 12,12,12
Dumbbells Shoulder press 3 10,8,8
Side lateral raises 3 10,8,8
Front lateral raises 3 10,8,8
Upright rows 3 10,8,8
Reverse pec decs 3 10,8,8
Shrugs Barbell 3 12,12,12
DAY 3: Rest
DAY 4 : Back/Biceps/Abs
Pull ups 3 10,8,8
Deadlift 3 10,8,6
Barbell row 3 10,8,8
Close Grip Pull downs 3 10,8,8
Bicep curls 3 10,8,8
Sitting down dumbell curls 3 10,8,8
Hammer curl dumbells 3 10,8,8
Reverse curls 3 10,8,8
Crunches 3 15
Hanging leg raises 3 12
Scissor kicks 3 12
Plank 3 1 minute each

WEEK 4 to 8 : The second half of the program is all about maximizing size with slightly higher reps and an emphasis on intensity. Rep ranges move up to 10-12 for most exercises, which is ideal for promoting muscle hypertrophy (growth). Overall volume increases slightly during these two weeks, mainly due to the addition of isolation exercises that you’ll perform before compound movements.

DAY 1 : Chest/Triceps
Dumbbells Chest Press 4 10,10,8,6
Barbell incline press 3 10,10,8
Incline Barbell flyes 3 12,10,10
Decline Dumbell press 3 10,10,8
Cable Cross over 3 10,10,10
Dumbbells extensions 4 10,8,8,6
V Bar tricep push downs 3 10,10,10
Incline Skull crushes 3 10,8,8
Tricep kick backs 3 12,12,12
Crunches 3 12
Leg raises 3 12
Bicyle crunches 3 12
DAY 2 : Legs/Shoulders
Barbell Squats 4 10,10,6,6
Leg Press 3 10,10,8
Dumbbells lunges 3 10,10,8
Lying leg curls 4 10,10,8,6
Calf raises 4 12,12,12,12
Dumbbells Shoulder press 3 10,8,8
Side lateral raises 3 10,8,8
Front lateral raises 3 10,8,8
Upright rows 3 10,8,8
Reverse pec decs 3 10,8,8
Shrugs Barbell 3 12,12,12
DAY 3: Rest
DAY 4 : Back/Biceps/Abs
Deadlift 4 10,10,8,6
Barbell row 3 10,10,8
Cable pulls 3 10,10,8
T Bar rows 3 10,8,8
Bicep curls : EZ BAR 4 10,8,8,6
Sitting down hammer curls 3 10,8,8
Cable curls 3 10,8,8
Reverse curls 3 10,10,10
Crunches 3 15
Hanging leg raises 3 12
Scissor kicks 3 12
Plank 3 1 minute each

* However following the same program over a month will result in muscle plateau due to the body adapting to the training program, hence we recommend to change the training program and the diet plan following 1 month to continuously see progress.

Sign up for Online coaching program, where we make affordable customized training programs and diet plans to suit your training goals.
Ultimate Beginner Full Body Workout

Ultimate Beginner Full Body Workout

Stepping foot to the gym for the first time but have no clue on how to start off? Don’t worry we at got your back, lets build that legacy you have planned out!

The following plan is a basic full body workout that focuses on two main aspects.


  1. Form and Technique
  2. Muscle Acceleration & Hypertrophy

3 days a week is all you need, with workouts focusing on compound movements as a primary focus to hit all parts of the muscle, with a combination of some isolation workouts to work out the muscle fibers. So grab a gallon of water and get ready to work it off!

Duration : 4 Weeks

Barbell Squat 3 10,8,8
Leg press 3 10,8,8
Lying Leg curl 3 10,8,8
Barbell Bench press 3 10,10,8
Incline Dumbbells Bench press 3 10,8,6
Cable crossover 3 10,10,10
Latpull down 3 10,8,8
Cable pulls 3 10,8,8
Barbell shoulder press 3 10,8,8
Barbell shrugs 3 10,10,10
Tricep Push downs 3 10,10,8
Barbell Curls 3 10,8,8
ABS (circuit)
Crunches 3 15 x 3
Leg raises 3 12 x 3
Scissor kicks 3 12 x 3
Plank 3 x 3
Dumbbells lunges 3 10,8,8
Stiff leg deadlifts 3 10,8,8
Dumbbells Incline press 3 10,8,8
Barbell Decline Press 3 10,8,8
Barbell Deadlift 3 10,8,8
One Arm Row 3 10,8,8
Dumbbells Shoulder press 3 10,8,8
Dumbbells front raises 3 10,8,8
Upright Rows 3 10,8,8
Tricep Dumbbells extensions 3 10,8,8
Tricep kickbacks 3 10,10,10
Dumbbells hammer curls 3 10,8,8
Reverse curl barbell 3 10,8,8
Barbell Squats 3 10,8,8
Lying leg curls 3 10,8,8
Calf raises 3 10,8,8
Barbell incline press 3 10,8,8
Decline Dumbbells flyes 3 10,8,8
Barbell rows 3 10,8,8
Close grip row 3 10,8,8
Dumbbells side lateral raises 3 10,8,8
Facepulls 3 10,8,8
Lying down tricep barbell 3 10,8,8
Tricep kickback 3 10,8,8
Sitting down dumbell curls 3 10,8,8
Barbell curls 3 10,8,8
Reverse curls 3 10,8,8
ABS (circuit)
Crunches 3 15 x 3
Leg raises 3 15 x 3
Russian twists 3 15 x 3
Plank 3 x 3

* However following the same program over a month will result in muscle plateau due to the body adapting to the training program, hence we recommend to change the training program and the diet plan following 1 month to continuously see progress.

Sign up for Online coaching program, where we make affordable customized training programs and diet plans to suit your training goals.
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