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Healthy Eating Tips during the Curfew

Lockdown has meant irregular schedules and changes in working routine, as well as when it comes to the diet. Some people have started becoming more diet-conscious while at home, avoiding heavy food that could impact health severely at times. Other people are guilty of overindulgence – reaching out for a snack more frequently.


Here are a few tips on how we can find the balance in terms of our diet :


1. Constructing meals

One simple approach could be to look at meals as consisting of three elements: Protein (red), carbohydrate/fibre (yellow) and fruit and/or vegetables (green). You could call this the ‘power of three’. These rules mean you can be totally flexible as to what foods will serve as these three elements, and allow you to adapt to what is available at home and/or in the shops.

  • The protein element does not need to be chicken or eggs, but can be other lean meats, fish, beans/pulses, nuts/seeds or plant-based protein products (e.g. soy-based tofu). Try to limit the processed meats and vegetarian equivalents where possible.
  • For the carb/fibre element, this can be pasta, rice, bread, corn/maize, potatoes or other root vegetables and other cereals. Try to choose some wholegrain varieties as well, especially as these tend to be more likely to be left on the shelves!
  • For the fruit and veg element, this could be anything available, either fresh, frozen or tinned. The more variety the better! Fruit and veg also serve as excellent healthy snacks for adults and children alike.

2. Healthy Snacking

Habitual grazers will be glad to learn that you can still snack frequently and live a healthy life, so long as the snacks at hand are low calorie alternatives.

Try swapping your usual high sugar or high fat snacks for treats such as yoghurts, nuts and seeds, or fruit.

Additionally, you can always swap high calorie chocolate bars for the healthier option of dark chocolate with a reduced portion, such as two squares.

Incorporate dietary shakes in your diet, Like homemade protein shakes made with fresh milk, oats, peanut butter..etc Green shakes that include Spinach, Oats..etc. This could be also a healthy alternative to get a nutritional meal in to make you feel full and well energized during the day. 

3. Plan Ahead

Diabetes Meal Planning | Eat Well with Diabetes | CDC

Thinking of meals to make at home can become a laborious task during lockdown. Now that restaurants and cafes have closed, we all have less inspiration than usual.

Instead of leaving thoughts of meal times to the last minute – which can leave you reaching for unhealthy snacks to solve the problem – try to plan ahead.

Make a menu for the week ahead before you go shopping, ensuring to include as many healthy meals and snacks as possible on your shopping list, while cutting the unhealthy options.

Before the start of the week, try to prepare the week’s upcoming meals in advance, or, at the very least, decide upon a meal you will cook for each upcoming night.

4. Consume oily fish

Benefits of Fish Oil And Its Side Effects | Lybrate

Canned oily fish in particular is a really handy item to have in your cupboard while on lockdown, Not only is it cheap and has a long shelf life, but it is rich in omega-3, which studies say can improve mental well being.

“Oily fish is also one of the few rich sources of vitamin D in the diet,” Benelam adds, “something we all need to consider if we’re staying at home and may not be getting much sun exposure, which is our main source of vitamin D.

“Vitamin D is also important for bone health and to support the immune system.”

5. Be Sure to Hydrate

Hydrate the Soul – PSA International

“Drinking an adequate amount of fluid is essential in order for you to feel and function at your best,” says Ludlam-Raine.

But it doesn’t have to be just water, you can get your hydration via squash, tea, coffee and milk, she adds.

“It all counts towards the 8 glasses of fluid that we need, though you may need more if it’s hot or you have just exercised.

“Keep any caffeinated drinks to a minimum and try not to drink them from mid-afternoon so they don’t affect your sleep.”

Balance is key


While being healthy does require you to be responsible, and at times a little regimented in order to maintain a routine, it’s important to remember that you can always indulge every now and again.

Treating yourself will help give you a little mood boost when you need it, while also stopping you from breaking your healthy habits for good.

Lockdown has already restricted our lives, so occasionally throwing out the ‘rulebook’ will ensure you make it out of lockdown not only healthy, but happy, and ready to take on the world.


How to stay fit and motivated during the curfew?

How to stay fit and motivated during the curfew?

It was just a minute ago, when you thought everything was getting back to normal, Those Home workouts were almost coming to an end, when you thought it was time to hang up the resistance bands, when we all were getting ready to get back to our daily lifestyle…. Till the second wave hit. Now, we cant go back to square one and let all our hard work just get dusted off can we?

Here are some ways to stay Motivated and Maintain fitness levels till the situation gets back to normal.

Find a routine

How to Find a Workout Routine You Love - 131 Method

Find a routine that you feel COMFORTABLE, something you know yu can consistently peform for a period of time, the key thing is to stick with it. The NHS recommends that adults aged 19 to 64 need to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week. This includes being active every day and doing strengthening activities at least twice a week.

So, what does ‘moderate-intensity activity’ look like? Well, things like brisk walking, riding a bike, dancing, and rollerblading all count. You can try and beat your daily steps target, follow a daily exercise YouTube channel.

Resistance exercises can also help strengthen your muscles and improve your mobility. Some of these exercises can be performed using weights or resistance bands, but if you don’t have access to them, that shouldn’t stop you. Squats or sit-to-stands from a sturdy chair, push-ups against a wall or the kitchen counter, and lunges or single-leg step-ups on stairs are all great for those new to these kinds of exercises. 25 Best Resistance Bands to Use for Your Whole Body Workouts

Got 15 Minutes And A Bag Of Rice? Try This Beginner-Friendly Strength Workout! - Fitbit Blog

you could even put your tins of baked beans, bags of rice, bottled water or flour to good use. They make great dumbbell substitutes or, if you tie them up in a carrier bag, you have an improvised kettlebell, Gas cylinders, Any weight that is comfortable for you to put in a good workout.

Diet is also key when you are trying to stay fit, of course indulge in a few cheat meals here and there, but 80% of the time focus on clean foods and hydrate well. One you get in the zone, your body and mind will adapt to the nature of your eating habits.

Consistency and Motivation

Music and Exercise: How Music Affects Exercise Motivation

No matter how many workouts you do a day, there is no point in hoping for progress if you aren’t consistent, and for consistency you need to master Motivation.

For motivation, we recommend Music, watching motivational YouTube videos, listening to podcasts, reading… etc anything that will keep you going.

Tracking your progress every 2 days, or end of every week is also a great tactic to keep motivated, the more you see your progress, the more you will want to keep going.

Stay in control, don’t overdo it and not enjoy the process.






Say BA BYE to stubborn fat with this intense workout planned designed to keep your metabolism elevated throughout the day, to promote fat loss. The workout is based on a mix of Weights and HIIT( High Intensity Training) proven by many studies is one of the best forms of cardio to torch fat.

DIET : Low Carb, High Protein, Moderate Healthy Fats

Duration : 4 weeks

Fat Loss
Barbell Squats 5 10,8,6,6,5
Sumo Squats 5 10,8,6,6,5
Deadlifts 5 10,8,6,6,5
One Arm rows 5 10,8,6,6,5
Weighted Push ups 5 10,8,6,6,5
Snatch press 5 10,8,6,6,5
Tricep Dips 5 10,8,6,6,5
Bicep Curls 5 10,8,6,6,5
HIIT TRAINING 20 minutes
DAY 3 SETS REPS 1 minute rest periods
Dumbbells Step ups 3 20
Kettlebell swings 4 20
Dumbbells lunges 4 15
Romanian deadlifts 4 12
Planks 3 1 minute each
HIIT Training Time
20 minutes
Leg raises 4 15
Leg pulls 4 12
Bicycle crunches 3 12
Scissor kicks 3 12
Flutter kicks 3 12
Hanging  leg holds 3 1 minutes x 3
DAY 4 : Rest
DAY 5: Repeat DAY 1
DAY 6: Repeat DAY 2

* However following the same program over a month will result in muscle plateau due to the body adapting to the training program, hence we recommend to change the training program and the diet plan following 1 month to continuously see progress.

Sign up for Online coaching program, where we make affordable customized training programs and diet plans to suit your training goals.
8 weeks to grow


Struggling to put on size? Stop overtraining your muscles, Simply follow this 8 week program and thank us later.

The program works each muscle group hard once per week using mostly heavy compound exercises. You will train on a 3 day split routine, resting on Wednesdays, Fridays and the weekends. To get the most out of this program you need to be eating BIG. Big meals, at least 5 times a day.

The program is designed to elevate muscle hypertrophy through rep ranges that focus on strength training and conditioning, but REMEMBER, Diet is key here, without adequate calories, your muscle will NOT GROW! So EAT BIG & LIFT HEAVY! Have no clue of what foods you should be eating, and how many calories? Click here for our online coaching programs and get a customized diet plan today.


WEEK 1 to 4 : Focusses on moreover heavy lifts, to promote more muscle hypertrophy, Compound lifts will be a primary focus, with rep ranges of 8 to 10.

DAY 1 : Chest/Triceps
Barbell Chest Press 3 10,8,6
Dumbbells Chest press 3 10,8,6
Incline Barbell press 3 10,8,8
Decline Barbell press 3 10,8,8
Cable Cross over 3 10,10,10
Close grip barbell 3 10,8,8
Tricep cable push down 3 10,8,8
Skull Crushers 3 10,8,8
Tricep kick backs 3 10,10,8
Crunches 3 12
Leg raises 3 12
Bicyle crunches 3 12
DAY 2 : Legs/Shoulders
Barbell Squats 3 10,8,8
Leg Press 3 10,8,8
Dumbbells Sumo Squats 3 10,8,8
Lying leg curls 3 10,8,8
Calg raises 3 12,12,12
Dumbbells Shoulder press 3 10,8,8
Side lateral raises 3 10,8,8
Front lateral raises 3 10,8,8
Upright rows 3 10,8,8
Reverse pec decs 3 10,8,8
Shrugs Barbell 3 12,12,12
DAY 3: Rest
DAY 4 : Back/Biceps/Abs
Pull ups 3 10,8,8
Deadlift 3 10,8,6
Barbell row 3 10,8,8
Close Grip Pull downs 3 10,8,8
Bicep curls 3 10,8,8
Sitting down dumbell curls 3 10,8,8
Hammer curl dumbells 3 10,8,8
Reverse curls 3 10,8,8
Crunches 3 15
Hanging leg raises 3 12
Scissor kicks 3 12
Plank 3 1 minute each

WEEK 4 to 8 : The second half of the program is all about maximizing size with slightly higher reps and an emphasis on intensity. Rep ranges move up to 10-12 for most exercises, which is ideal for promoting muscle hypertrophy (growth). Overall volume increases slightly during these two weeks, mainly due to the addition of isolation exercises that you’ll perform before compound movements.

DAY 1 : Chest/Triceps
Dumbbells Chest Press 4 10,10,8,6
Barbell incline press 3 10,10,8
Incline Barbell flyes 3 12,10,10
Decline Dumbell press 3 10,10,8
Cable Cross over 3 10,10,10
Dumbbells extensions 4 10,8,8,6
V Bar tricep push downs 3 10,10,10
Incline Skull crushes 3 10,8,8
Tricep kick backs 3 12,12,12
Crunches 3 12
Leg raises 3 12
Bicyle crunches 3 12
DAY 2 : Legs/Shoulders
Barbell Squats 4 10,10,6,6
Leg Press 3 10,10,8
Dumbbells lunges 3 10,10,8
Lying leg curls 4 10,10,8,6
Calf raises 4 12,12,12,12
Dumbbells Shoulder press 3 10,8,8
Side lateral raises 3 10,8,8
Front lateral raises 3 10,8,8
Upright rows 3 10,8,8
Reverse pec decs 3 10,8,8
Shrugs Barbell 3 12,12,12
DAY 3: Rest
DAY 4 : Back/Biceps/Abs
Deadlift 4 10,10,8,6
Barbell row 3 10,10,8
Cable pulls 3 10,10,8
T Bar rows 3 10,8,8
Bicep curls : EZ BAR 4 10,8,8,6
Sitting down hammer curls 3 10,8,8
Cable curls 3 10,8,8
Reverse curls 3 10,10,10
Crunches 3 15
Hanging leg raises 3 12
Scissor kicks 3 12
Plank 3 1 minute each

* However following the same program over a month will result in muscle plateau due to the body adapting to the training program, hence we recommend to change the training program and the diet plan following 1 month to continuously see progress.

Sign up for Online coaching program, where we make affordable customized training programs and diet plans to suit your training goals.
Ultimate Beginner Full Body Workout

Ultimate Beginner Full Body Workout

Stepping foot to the gym for the first time but have no clue on how to start off? Don’t worry we at got your back, lets build that legacy you have planned out!

The following plan is a basic full body workout that focuses on two main aspects.


  1. Form and Technique
  2. Muscle Acceleration & Hypertrophy

3 days a week is all you need, with workouts focusing on compound movements as a primary focus to hit all parts of the muscle, with a combination of some isolation workouts to work out the muscle fibers. So grab a gallon of water and get ready to work it off!

Duration : 4 Weeks

Barbell Squat 3 10,8,8
Leg press 3 10,8,8
Lying Leg curl 3 10,8,8
Barbell Bench press 3 10,10,8
Incline Dumbbells Bench press 3 10,8,6
Cable crossover 3 10,10,10
Latpull down 3 10,8,8
Cable pulls 3 10,8,8
Barbell shoulder press 3 10,8,8
Barbell shrugs 3 10,10,10
Tricep Push downs 3 10,10,8
Barbell Curls 3 10,8,8
ABS (circuit)
Crunches 3 15 x 3
Leg raises 3 12 x 3
Scissor kicks 3 12 x 3
Plank 3 x 3
Dumbbells lunges 3 10,8,8
Stiff leg deadlifts 3 10,8,8
Dumbbells Incline press 3 10,8,8
Barbell Decline Press 3 10,8,8
Barbell Deadlift 3 10,8,8
One Arm Row 3 10,8,8
Dumbbells Shoulder press 3 10,8,8
Dumbbells front raises 3 10,8,8
Upright Rows 3 10,8,8
Tricep Dumbbells extensions 3 10,8,8
Tricep kickbacks 3 10,10,10
Dumbbells hammer curls 3 10,8,8
Reverse curl barbell 3 10,8,8
Barbell Squats 3 10,8,8
Lying leg curls 3 10,8,8
Calf raises 3 10,8,8
Barbell incline press 3 10,8,8
Decline Dumbbells flyes 3 10,8,8
Barbell rows 3 10,8,8
Close grip row 3 10,8,8
Dumbbells side lateral raises 3 10,8,8
Facepulls 3 10,8,8
Lying down tricep barbell 3 10,8,8
Tricep kickback 3 10,8,8
Sitting down dumbell curls 3 10,8,8
Barbell curls 3 10,8,8
Reverse curls 3 10,8,8
ABS (circuit)
Crunches 3 15 x 3
Leg raises 3 15 x 3
Russian twists 3 15 x 3
Plank 3 x 3

* However following the same program over a month will result in muscle plateau due to the body adapting to the training program, hence we recommend to change the training program and the diet plan following 1 month to continuously see progress.

Sign up for Online coaching program, where we make affordable customized training programs and diet plans to suit your training goals.
Everything to know about "Whey Protein"

Everything to know about “Whey Protein”


Whey protein is one of the two proteins found in milk, Milk is made of two proteins, casein (80%) and whey (20%). Whey protein is a mixture of proteins isolated from whey. Whey protein can be separated from the casein in milk, found in the watery portion of milk or formed as a by-product of cheese making. When cheese is produced, the fatty parts of the milk coagulate and the whey is separated from it as a by-product. Whey consists of water-soluble proteins, water, milk sugar, vitamins and minerals. Whey protein is considered a complete protein as it contains all 9 essential amino acids.


1. Concentrate
2. Isolates
3. Hydrolysate

Concentrate: Protein concentrate contains small amounts of fat and lactose. The percentage of protein depends on how concentrated it is. It can range from 30-90%, so when you’re buying a protein concentrate be sure to get as much protein as possible

Suitable for:
– Anyone who wants an affordable protein powder
– Increased fat burning
– Maintain and increase muscle mass 

Isolate: Developing isolate protein demands a longer process than concentrate protein which makes it purer and therefore a bit more expensive since it contains more protein per scoop. It usually contains at least 90% protein, but because of a filtering process it loses some of the other good substances that a protein made from concentrate contains

Suitable for:

-Those who want to take their training to a new level
– Lactose intolerant

Hydrolysate: If isolate protein is considered quickly absorbed by the body, hydrolysate takes it to a new level. This protein is a pre-split isolate protein, thus the protein doesn’t have to be broken down by the body rather it dispatches to the muscles and is stored directly. Hydrolysate does not taste very good and is therefore often combined with protein isolate..

Suitable for:
– Elite level


Whey is used as a protein supplement. It is very useful for hitting targeted daily protein goals. Whey is absorbed faster than other forms of protein, which means it also increases muscle protein synthesis used to break a fasted state.

Whey also delivers a large amount of the amino acid L-cysteine, which can alleviate deficiencies that occur during aging and diabetes, as well as other conditions. While whey has also been claimed to increase fat loss, this is a function of protein, rather than the whey itself. This means that the whey itself does not reduce fat, but taking in more protein often aids with fat loss efforts


  • Maintains Healthy Weight

Studies show whey proteins, peptides and minerals can promote weight loss through influencing blood sugar balance, enhancing satiety and maintaining leaner body mass.

If you follow a higher protein diet after losing weight, you’ll only gain weight in the form of muscles.

  • Builds Lean Muscle

With regular resistance exercise, whey protein can help maximize muscle growth. Being one of the best sources of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), whey protein increases the body’s rate of making lean muscle. As a complete protein, it provides the essential amino acids necessary to maximize the benefits of your exercise program. Whey protein is one of the leading sources of Leucine, a type of BCAA thought to stimulate muscle growth.

  • Enhances Exercise Recovery

Whey protein can help repair muscle tissues after exercise.

Studies show that consuming whey protein during or after exercise may promote muscle strength, support muscle function and prevent muscle fatigue. When you exercise, muscle breaks down and taking whey protein after exercise can help rebuilding of muscles by increasing muscle synthesis.

  • Prevents Muscle Breakdown
  • Curbs Hunger

Consuming more protein can help people eat less, since protein, as part of a higher protein diet, enhances the feeling the fullness compared to fat or carbohydrates.

  • Boosts Immunity
  • Promotes Bone health
  • Supports Healthy Cardiovascular  System

Studies show that certain peptides in whey may have positive effect on hypertensive individuals. These whey peptides may help lower cholesterol levels and prevent build-up of plaque on blood vessels.



Taking whey protein is a convenient way to add 25-50 grams of protein on top of your daily intake. This can be important for bodybuilders and gym enthusiasts, as well as people who need to lose weight or are simply lacking protein in their diet.

Taking Whey Protein in a Morning

As glycogen stores run low overnight, the body is forced to turn to amino acid stores to power metabolic processes. This places the muscle into a catabolic (or breakdown) state. Whey protein is a fast-digesting protein that is perfect for when you wake up, since it quickly delivers amino acids to your muscles and counteracts muscle breakdown. Most experts recommend consuming a quality whey protein shake, such as Whey Protein 80, first thing in the morning. This is because of its impressive Biological Value and great amino acid profile which ultimately ‘sets’ you up for the day.

Taking Whey Protein Pre-Workout

A whey protein shake pre-workout is integral to creating a positive nitrogen balance in the body. This is necessary to stimulate protein synthesis and increase muscle mass. Protein is the building block of new muscle growth. Research has found that protein synthesis is increased when whey protein were taken ‘immediately before resistance exercise’. For this reason try including 25-35 grams of whey protein as the basis for your pre workout shake.

Taking Whey Protein Post Workout

Perhaps the most important time for athletes to take whey protein is immediately post-workout. This is because you’ve just put your muscles under a lot of stress and must now provide nutrients for repair and re-growth. A fast-acting protein source such as whey protein is the perfect choice. Research shows that after a strength based training session your muscles are starved and so have a ‘sponge-like’ property. Scientists believe you can therefore absorb more protein at this point compared to any other time of the day. Therefore it makes sense to add a large serving of whey protein post workout. This will serve as a great basis for your shake and kick-start the recovery process.

Taking Whey Protein Before Bed

Overnight some people will go several hours without food. With limited nutrients to your muscles, the muscle may then be forced to turn to amino acid stores to fuel metabolic processes. It is recommended to drink a whey protein shake prior to going to bed to stop your muscle from entering a catabolic state. Feeding the body in this way ensures that nutrients are available during the overnight fast and muscle breakdown can be avoided. Because of its fast release nature, many nutritionists prefer to recommend casein protein instead of whey protein before bed. This provides a tapered release of nutrients to the muscle overnight.

Everything to know about "mass"

Everything to know about “Mass Gainers”


Mass gainers are high-calorie supplements that contain various levels of protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and various other supplements. The amount of protein in a Mass Gainer may be less than that of Whey Protein but the level of carbohydrates and fats is certainly on a higher side, that is what differs from a  Protein and a Mass Gainer, Mass Gainers contain Carbohydrates along with the protein and has a high amount of calories, the high carbohydrate  amount is what boosts the calorie intake.

For the average exerciser or weightlifter, a mass gainer will provide:

  • A superior source of protein and carbohydrates
  • Convenient meal replacement solution
  • Concentrated calories

Mass Gainer Benefits

  1. Rich In Carbohydrates

Mass Gainers contain a rich amount of carbohydrates. These carbohydrates supply you with the required energy that is very helpful for an intense workout.

  1. Contains High-Quality Whey Protein

Mass Gainers contain high quality of Whey Protein, which is an amazing supplement for bodybuilding. Some Mass Gainers also come with dietary fat. This dietary fat can help you achieve a lean physique.

  1. Aids In Muscle Recovery & Growth

Mass Gainers aid in muscle recovery and growth. This is very helpful when you are following a regular bodybuilding regime because you need to achieve desired results which requires good muscle recovery process to stay focused and regular with your workout.

  1. Blend Of Minerals & Vitamins

Mass Gainers keep you healthy and fit. They are a good mix of different minerals and vitamins that are an important nourishment source for your body to stay healthy and fit.

  1. Rich In Fiber

Mass Gainers contain fiber. This keeps you away from being bloated and improves digestion. It is a great way to achieve overall health and fitness.


If you are one of those hard gainers who struggle to put on size then you could opt for a high calorie mass gainer which has a good amount of carbs and protein ratio, the amount of fats won’t matter a lot if you are a “Hard gainer” since every one of those macro nutrients will help add to the calories, the more the calories the more the size.

If you are holding on to a bit of fat and looking for more of a lean bulk then you could go for Lean Mass Gainers that has a higher dose of Protein and a clean source of carbohydrates, the carbs should be comprised of complex carbohydrates (slower digesting) as these tend to have more fibre which gives you more energy throughout the day, when looking at the amount of fat,  a mass gainer with low fat content will be ideal.


The amount of scoops you take will depend on your nutritional targets and the nutritional value of the particular product you’re using. Check out the calorie and macronutrient values of the supplement and tailor your intake to meet your targets for the day.

If you are looking to get the best result possible then take all the scoops that the product recommends, if you are looking to maintain your size or more considered about the fat then you could reduce the content.

Everything to know about "creatine"

Everything to know about “Creatine”


Creatine is a natural substance that turns into creatine phosphate in the body. Creatine phosphate helps make a substance called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP provides the energy for muscle contractions.

The body produces some of the creatine it uses. It also comes from protein-rich foods such as meat or fish.

Creatine supplementation boosts the natural creatine stores in your body. Your muscle tissue stores creatine as phosphocreatine. Phosphocreatine synthesizes during high-intensity exercises, such as lifting weights, to provide your muscles with extra energy. Creatine pulls water into your muscle cells, increasing protein synthesis. Creatine can be utilized by your body as a quick form of energy during high intensity, short-burst activities such as lifting a heavy weight or breaking into a sprint.



How Is Creatine Used?


Back in the 1970s, scientists discovered that taking creatine in supplement form might enhance physical performance. In the 1990s, athletes started to catch on, and creatine became a popular sports supplement. According to studies, 8% of adolescents take creatine. The supplement is particularly popular among high school, college, and professional athletes, especially football and hockey players, wrestlers, and gymnasts. An estimated 40% of college athletes and up to half of professional athletes say they use creatine supplements.

Creatine is thought to improve strength, increase lean muscle mass, and help the muscles recover more quickly during exercise. This muscular boost may help athletes achieve bursts of speed and energy, especially during short bouts of high-intensity activities such as weight lifting or sprinting. However, scientific research on creatine has been mixed. Although some studies have found that it does help improve performance during short periods of athletic activity, there is no evidence that creatine helps with endurance sports. Research also shows that not everyone’s muscles respond to creatine; some people who use it see no benefit.







Creatine enhances the body’s capacity to perform high intensity work (and assists greater muscle size and performance gains as a result).

Creatine phosphate (creatines high energy molecule form, stored within cells) is used to supply the type 11b muscle fibers (fast-twitch high-glycolytic; the ones that get largest in size) with immediate energy, ensuring these muscles do not prematurely fatigue


In recent years creatine has been studied for its post-exercise muscle regeneration properties. Findings have been very promising. In 2004, Santos and colleagues studied the effects of creatine supplementation on muscle cell damage in experienced endurance athletes running a 30-kilometre race12.

Closely monitoring several markers of cell damage (including creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, prostaglandin-E and tumor necrosis factor-alpha) in their sample of 18 male athletes (who used 20 grams of creatine monohydrate per day for five days, mixed with 60 grams of maltodextrine), the researchers found levels of these markers were reduced after the race, compared to 16 control subjects who took only the maltodextrine.


Another important benefit for bodybuilders and strength athletes is creatines muscle volumizing effect . Creatine has a property that causes muscle cells to inflate, which produces a more heavily muscled appearance, and, more importantly, serves as a stimulus for protein synthesis.

Up to six pounds of added bodyweight in the first few weeks is commonly reported in those who begin creatine supplementation (a process primarily accounted for by water moving rapidly from the bloodstream to the muscle).


Widely known for it muscle-building benefits, creatine, it appears, has much more to offer than its erogenic properties. Researchers Wyss and Schulze looked at the broader health implications of creatine as they tried to determine its value in treat[ing] several neurodegenerative, vascular and muscular disorders


Gerbin and co-researchers at the Institute of cell biology in Switzerland found creatine could be used successfully as an adjuvant therapy for bone fracture healing or for the treatment of osteoporosis . Based on their in-vivo study, they concluded that creatine significantly enhanced the activity of alkaline phosphate (ALP; an important marker for bone growth).


In light of the above benefits, populations most likely to experience creatines positive effects are:


  • Bodybuilders and strength athletes.
  • The aging population.
  • Sufferers of neurodegenerative disease.
  • Those with naturally lower levels of creatine (people, such as vegetarians, who have a lower base level of creatine)



As mentioned, the type of creatine one uses will usually determine the results they get. With more brands hitting the market every year, it is often confusing for the athlete who seeks the very best product. The main types of creatine product – and their differences – follow.


Creatine monohydrate is the most common form of this supplement – the one most scientific studies and research use. It is bound with water to provide 88% pure creatine per molecule. In other words, one gram of creatine monohydrate will supply 4.40 grams of active product to the body.

Despite the newer creatine products to have hit the market as of late, monohydrate remains the most used from of creatine (400 million in annual sales in the US alone).


Micronized Creatine is essentially creatine monohydrate, but with much smaller molecules (this creatine has been micronized, which means its molecules have been cut up or divided). This dividing or cutting reduced the surface area of the creatine, making it easier to absorb and lessening any potential stomach discomfort.

It also reduces the unwanted bloating effect – one of monohydrates drawbacks. It is also thought to be purer to monohydrate and more effective as a result (it goes through more processes).


As mentioned earlier, for creatine to be effective is first has to bond with a phosphate group to become creatine phosphate. It would then follow that taking a creatine phosphate supplement would giver better results than the monohydrate form, right? Probably not: the reality is, creatine phosphate has only 62.3% creatine per molecule as opposed to monohydrate, which has 88%. As well, creatine phosphate has never been shown to be more effective than monohydrate, and it is more expensive to buy.


This is essentially regular creatine bonded with special molecules to increase absorption. This type of creatine mixes extremely well but has only 400 milligrams of active creatine per gram. Also, it is very expensive. However, it does cause less stomach discomfort in those susceptible.


When is the best time to take creatine?

Research shows that intense exercise increases anabolic hormone release. Ingesting carbohydrate and protein or essential amino acids following intense exercise may accelerate glycogen resynthesis as well as promote protein synthesis. Since insulin levels enhance creatine uptake, taking creatine after exercise with a carbohydrate and/or protein supplement may be an effective way to increase and/or maintain muscle creatine stores.


Are there any side effects to creatine?

The only significant side effect that has been consistently reported in scientific and medical literature has been weight gain. However, there have been a number of reported side effects such as stomach problems, muscle cramping, dehydration, and increased risk of muscle strains/pulls. There has also been concern that short and/or long-term creatine supplementation may increase renal (kidney) stress.

Over the last few years a number of studies have indicated that creatine is not associated with any of these reported problems. In fact, there is recent evidence that creatine may lessen heat stress and reduce the susceptibility to musculoskeletal injuries among training athletes.

While people who take creatine may experience some of these problems, incidences in creatine users aren’t greater than subjects who take placebos and in some cases are less, and the best way to avoid any of the side effects is to drink plenty of water, since any supplementation requires proper hydration.

In conclusion, Bodybuilding and strength athletes to improve size and strength have over the past decade or so popularly used creatine as a supplement. As this article has shown, creatines applications stretch too many other populations: older adults, sufferers of neurodegenerative disease, and those with naturally lower levels of creatine being but three.

after the first week, you will see improvements in your strength. If you’re looking for instant results, it is not a pre-workout supplement that you will get quick results from, but a longer game in which you saturate your muscles with reserves to help your lifts and workouts going forwards. This means taking it every day.

Additionally, creatine has been scientifically shown to be safe for a majority of users. Creatine supplements come in many different types, all with their pros and cons.

Everything to know about "Glutamine"

Everything to know about “Glutamine”



Glutamine is the most common amino acid found in your muscles – over 61% of skeletal muscle is Glutamine. Glutamine consists of 19% nitrogen, making it the primary transporter of nitrogen into your muscle cells.

Glutamine is one of the 20 naturally occurring amino acids in dietary protein, specifically it is a conditionally essential amino acid (being elevated to essential during periods of disease and muscle wasting typical of physical trauma). It is sold as an isolated amino acids as well as being found in high levels in dietary meats and eggs. It is found in very high levels in both whey and casein protein.

It is synthesized predominantly in skeletal muscle (approximately 90%) by a process facilitated by the enzyme glutamine synthetase from the amino acid glutamate and glutamic acid.

In healthy individuals it can be produced with no problem in the muscle, which is able to produce, store and release glutamine as required to maintain the appropriate glutamine blood concentration.

However, during some situations the production of glutamine homeostasis is threatened, glutamine reserves in skeletal muscle are depleted, and the important functions of this amino acid are inhibited. Such situations would include various forms of catabolic stress ranging from infection, surgery and, importantly, exhaustive exercise!

What Does Glutamine Do?


This amino acid is an important anabolic precursor for muscle growth following exercise In fact it the anabolic effects of glutamine include both an increase in protein synthesis (muscle hypertrophy or increased number of muscle cells) and increases in muscle cell expansion and filling with creatine, water and carbohydrate (muscle cell volumisation or “the pump.

Glutamine is the most important component of muscle protein, and helps repair and build muscle.

Here’s a list of glutamine benefits:


  • Glutamine has been linked to protein synthesis. It prevents your muscle from being catabolized (eaten up) in order to provide Glutamine for other cells in the body.
  • Glutamine benefits you by replenishing declining Glutamine levels during intense workouts.
  • Glutamine may serve to boost your immune system. For bodybuilders, this is important since heavy workouts tend to greatly deplete Glutamine levels. (Glutamine is a primary energy source for your immune system.)
  • Glutamine is one of the most important nutrients for your intestines.

Researchers are suggesting that Glutamine is the most important amino acid to the bodybuilder. It provides a component in muscle metabolism and cellular support not shared by any other single amino acid, making the benefits of L-Glutamine supplementation a realistic venture.

Sources and Synthesis


Glutamine is found in high amounts in most meat and animal products, as well as any dairy product or by-product such as whey or casein protein. Levels of glutamine in various foods range from:

  • Beef at 4.7% protein where meat in general fluctuates between 4.4% and 4.8%
  • Skim Milk at 8.08% protein whereas milk products in general tend to fluctuate between 8.7% and 9.2%[3]
  • White Rice at 11.1% protein
  • Corn at 16.2% protein
  • Tofu at 9.1% protein
  • Eggs at 4.3% protein

Glutamine Supplementation

In order to sustain a positive net protein balance and ensure the above listed benefits of supplementation, orally ingested glutamine can start with 0.1g/ kg of body mass (e.g. 7g for a 70kg individual) and result in a 50% rise in the plasma glutamine concentration 30 minutes following exercise. Return to pre-exercise baseline concentration should occur 1-2 hours following ingestion.

Ingestion alongside a protein source (whey or casein) and a BCAA supplement seems to provide even more superior advantages to glutamine alone, which is perhaps another reason to add a glutamine powder directly to your post exercise shake.

Studies have shown that oral ingestion of up to 28g PER DAY for 6 weeks result in no adverse effects[36]. Furthermore, increasing post exercise dose to 0.65g/ kg of body mass (e.g. 45.5g for a 70kg individual) was also tolerated well by healthy individuals.

How to Take

Bodybuilders should take 10 to 15 grams of L-Glutamine a day – supplementing it 2 to 3 times daily, with each serving at around 5 grams. You should also know that you may already be getting some L-Glutamine in your diet from other supplements you’re taking. Many protein supplements already have some L-Glutamine mixed into it, so read the labels to know for sure. Best times to take L-Glutamine powder is in the morning, after a workout, and at night before bed time.

Supplementation of L-glutamine tends to be dosed at 5 g or above, with higher doses being advised against due to excessive ammonia in serum. The lowest dose found to increase ammonia in serum has been 0.75 g/kg, or approximately 51 g for a 150 lb individual.

Everything to know about "L - Carnitine"

Everything to know about “L – Carnitine”

L-carnitine is an amino acid (a building block for proteins) that is naturally produced in the body.

L-carnitine supplements are used to increase L-carnitine levels in people whose natural level of L-carnitine is too low because they have a genetic disorder, are taking certain drugs (valproic acid for seizures), or because they are undergoing a medical procedure (hemodialysis for kidney disease) that uses up the body’s L-carnitine. It is also used as a replacement supplement in strict vegetarians, dieters, and low-weight or premature infants.

L-carnitine is formed in the liver and kidneys from the amino acids lysine and methionine. However, it is stored elsewhere in the body, primarily in muscle (including the heart), the brain, and even in sperm. In the diet, it mainly comes from meat and other animal products. You can get some from plant products like avocado and soybeans, but as a rule, meat is the best source—and the redder the better.

Carnitine occurs in two forms, or isomers: L-carnitine and D-carnitine. L-carnitine is the active form that plays a role in energy metabolism and production. It is produced within the body, but it can also be taken as a supplement or found in many different protein foods as well. In supplement form, it’s available as a capsule, liquid or even injectable.


L-carnitine helps to transport fat, particularly long-chain fatty acids, into the mitochondria of cells. Once there, they can be oxidized—used as fuel—to generate adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. L-carnitine does this cellular work both when you exercise and rest, but research confirms that it is especially effective during intense exercise.

The transfer of fat to energy is one of the main functions of carnitine

Owing to its fat-burning capabilities and the optimization of fat metabolism, carnitine is familiarly known as a ‘fat-burner’. Fatty acids are transported into the cells, where they are burned to release energy by being transported to mitochondria, the power stations of the cells. The useful long branched chain fatty acid molecules can only pass through the inner mitochondrial membrane through esterification with carnitine. This is contrary to medium and short-chain fatty acids which can penetrate the membrane without this biocarrier.

L-Carnitine Benefits


  • Increases Endurance
  • Enhances Weight Loss
  • Prevents Muscle Damage
  • Amps Up Fat Burning
  • Boosts Brain Function
  • Regulates Blood Sugar
  • Fatigue resistance
  • Burning fat as fuel
  • Decreased Muscle Soreness, Improved Recovery
  • Burning fat as fuel

L-Carnitine Food Sources

Animal products are the best natural sources of L-carnitine, with foods like grass-fed beef packing in the highest amount per serving. It can also be found in small amounts in some sources like vegetables and grains. Here are the foods that contain the most L-carnitine per serving, according to the National Institutes of Health


  • Beef steak, cooked, 4 ounces: 56–162 milligrams
  • Ground beef, cooked, 4 ounces: 87–99 milligrams
  • Whole milk, 1 cup: 8 milligrams
  • Codfish, cooked, 4 ounces: 4–7 milligrams
  • Chicken breast, cooked, 4 ounces: 3–5 milligrams
  • Ice cream, 1/2 cup: 3 milligrams
  • Cheddar cheese, 2 ounces: 2 milligrams
  • Whole wheat bread, 2 slices: 0.2 milligram
  • Asparagus, cooked, 1/2 cup: 0.1 milligram

L-Carnitine Supplements + Dosage

The standard L-carnitine dosage is 500–2,000 milligrams daily. Based on most current research available, a dose of up to two grams per day can be used safely and effectively with minimal side effects.

The dosage may vary by the type of L-carnitine supplement, however. Acetyl-L-carnitine, for example, can be used in doses up to 2,500 milligrams per day while the dose for L-Carnitine L-Tartrate, a form typically used to enhance athletic performance, can range all the way up to 4,000 milligrams.


One of the best times to take L-carnitine is post-workout, but you can take it with any other high-carb, high-protein meal throughout the day. If you want to stack L-carnitine with other fat-burning ingredients between meals, consider using the acetyl-L-carnitine form.

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