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High Protein Chickpeas Kottu

High Protein Chickpeas Kottu

high protein chickpeas recipe


Yes we know Chickpeas as “Kadala” Here,  When you get Kadala + Kottu, its another level of Epic your tastebuds will thank you for! Here is a High Protein Recipe that you can consume for any course of the day!


If you want more customized recipes, We would recommend Joining our Online coaching program where we make customized Diet and workout plans to your given Budget. CLICK HERE.




  • 2.5 cups cooked chickpeas (1 19 oz. can, drained and rinsed)

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 whole eggs

  • 50g Chicken/Tuna

  • 1 happy cow cheese (if preffered)

  • 1/2 a medium white onion, diced

  • 2 cups sliced white mushrooms

  • 1 1/2 tsp paprika

  • 1/2 tsp onion powder

  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder

  • 1/2 tsp oregano

  • 1/2 tsp black pepper

  • 1/2 tsp sea salt

  • 1/2 tsp chili powder


Easy vegan spiced chickpeas in a pan with a wooden spoon.

  1. Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium heat or omit the oil and use a splash of water or vegetable broth.
  2. Add the onions, garlic and mushrooms, eggs and cook for 6 or 7 minutes, stirring every couple minutes to allow them to start to brown.
  3. Add all the spices and cook for a few more minutes, stirring often.
  4.  You could cook the chicken/ tuna separate to your preferred choice
  5. Add the chickpeas and the chicken to the mix  and continue cooking and stirring for 5-10 minutes until heated through and browned.

Plate it and VOILA you got your Kadala Kottu



Feel free to throw in a handful of spinach at the end of cooking for a chickpea and spinach dish.

This can also be made with black beans, pinto beans or even cooked lentils.

Serves  – 3

Serving Size: 1

Calories Per Serving: 241

25 g Protein

32g Carbohydrates




Samaposha Protein Balls

Samaposha Protein Balls

Samaposha Protein Balls

Samaposha High Protein

YES you heard it right, This Recipe isnt your standard Samaposha Aggala, This is the ULTIMATE Samaposha Protein Aggala Balls!


As we know Samaposha is a sri lankan favorite and is a highly nutritious snack / food made out of grains and whole foods.

Most Healthy and Nutritious Sri Lankan Snack - Strong LK


How to make it?



  1. Add the 1/2 cup samaposha, followed by the whey protein/ peanut butter, oats and a pinch of salt.

  2. Add a tablespoon of water and give it a good mix, Add the Honey to the mix.

  3. when at a good texture, take a small portion and make round shaped balls to the size of a big lemon.

  4. Serve refrigerated or right away at anytime of the day

Nutritonal Facts
Serving Size : 8 to 10 balls
Protein  per ball : 10 to 12g
Carbohydrates per ball : 15g to 18g

 If you want more customized recipes, We would recommend Joining our Online coaching program where we make customized Diet and workout plans to your given Budget . CLICK HERE

How to make a Helathy Protein Homemade cookie? Click here


High Protein Pancake Recipe

High Protein Pancake Recipe

Protein Pancake Recipes: Start Your Day Strong!

We all love Pan cakes, but when its a GUILT FREE High Protein pancake, it gets a 1000 times better! Here’s the recipe for you to try at home, can be consumed for breakfast, before hitting the gym or as a snack anytime of the day.

Ingredients you need for these easy protein pancakes are:


  • Place a non-stick skillet on the stove over medium heat.  Spray with cooking spray or use butter or coconut oil and let melt.


  • Mix the eggs, protein powder, and baking powder, Banana in a large bowl. Add the water or almond milk a little at a time until the batter is pancake batter consistency. You may not need all of the waterProtein batter


  • Using a ⅓ cup measure, pour out the batter into the skillet.


  • Serve with butter, sugar free syrup, and chocolate chips.Chocolate Protein Pancakes (Vegan + GF) - Full of Plants

SERVING SIZE : 6 to 8 Pancakes

CALORIES : 250 +


So there you go, a Protein packed Pan cake for you to indulge in  anytime, specially with the lockdown here in sri lanka, its best to eat healthy, and when healthy, a delicious healthy snack or meal would always hit the spot.

If you want more customized recipes, We would recommend Joining our Online coaching program where we make customized Diet and workout plans to your given Budget. CLICK HERE.

How to make a Healthy Protein Homemade Ice Cream? CLICK HERE


FISH – Benefits in BodyBuilding

Fish, Underated in the world of bodybuilding comes with a heap of health benefits.

There are a huge number of sub-species of fish, each with their own individual nutrient profile.

On average, white fish provides slightly more calories than chicken does with just over 170 kcal per 100 g. The protein count is a little lower at 24 g because fish is higher in fat..

Fish is high in micronutrition, providing vitamins B6, B12, selenium and iodine.

Types Of Fish

There are so many different types of fish out there it is hard to know which one you will like and what will match your needs the best.

The following is the nutritional information for a selection of popular fish (given for 1 ounce uncooked fish)


Fish Calories Protein Carbs Fat Cholesterol Sodium Fiber
Cod Fish 23 5.1g 0g .2g 10g 20mg 0g
Flounder 26 5.3g 0g .3g 14g 23mg 0g
Halibut 31 5.9g 0g .6g 9g 15mg 0g
Mackerel 58 5.3g 0g 3.9g 20g 26mg 0g
Red Snapper 28 5.8g 0g .4g 10g 18mg 0g
Salmon, Atlantic 40 5.6g 0g 1.8g 16g 113mg 0g
Swordfish 34 5.6g 0g 1.1g 11g 11mg 0g
Trout 42 5.9g 0g 1.9g 16g 15mg 0g
Tuna, Bluefin 41 6.6g 0g 1.4g 11g 11mg 0g
Tuna, Yellowfin 31 6.6g 0g .3g 13g 10mg 0g

1. Fish is lean

Fish Oil For Weight Loss – How It Works, Dosage, And Health Benefits

When you’’re dieting to shed bodyfat, you have to balance different objectives and cutting total calories, reducing fats and carbs, and simultaneously increasing protein consumption. Rely on lean fish as a staple of your diet because it meets all these objectives. Fish is also a great food to turn to during a diet when weight loss slows. Before cutting back further on carb consumption when you hit a plateau, try replacing much of your dietary protein which naturally contains fat with lean types of fish. Lean fish has less fat than most lean cuts of meat. You’ll be able to take in the same amount of protein, yet consume fewer calories. This will allow you to keep carbs at a relatively moderate intake level and you won’t feel too depleted. Switching to fish in the middle of a diet can help delay the necessity of lowering your carb consumption.

GO FISH: To get ripped, include the following types of seafood in your diet: sole, tuna, flounder, haddock, scallops, shrimp and crab. These are all extremely low in fat and high in protein.

2. Fish contains large amounts of healthy fats

11 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Eating Fish

It’’s absolutely no surprise that of all the sources of calories and— carbohydrates, protein and dietary fat and the one that is most ““fattening”” is dietary fat. That’’s because fat is more efficiently stored as bodyfat than carbs or protein. But there’’s an exception: healthy fats, such as those found in fish. The healthy fats in fish and— the omega-3 fatty acids are less likely to be stored as bodyfat than the fats from sources such as chicken legs, beef, egg yolks or vegetable oil. The fat consumed from fish is prioritized for important physiological processes and only after those jobs have been completed does it tend to exert an effect on bodyfat storage. These jobs include sparing the breakdown and burning of glutamine, the all-important amino acid that prevents muscle loss; supporting the production of growth hormone; and increasing the formation of muscle glycogen.

With respect to glycogen, fish fat helps funnel carbs into muscles, which not only contributes to muscle growth but also compromises the body’’s ability to create bodyfat from carbohydrates. How so? When glycogen storage increases, the body’’s ability to make bodyfat from carbohydrates correspondingly decreases. One dieting secret is that the leaner you get, the more difficult it becomes to store fat from fish as bodyfat.

A precontest bodybuilder who has done his homework can get away with eating a lot of fish high in fat with little worry of adding bodyfat. This fat also prevents muscle breakdown and can enhance muscle growth.

GO FISH: For the omega-3 content of several types of seafood, see the “Omega Man”” sidebar.

3. Fish is high in mineral content

Most types of fish are a good source of both selenium and iodine, minerals that support metabolic rate. Iodine feeds the thyroid, the “master”” gland that has a huge impact on calorie burning and metabolism. Adequate amounts of iodine help keep that gland healthy. A strong thyroid gland also contributes to a stronger immune system, which is particularly important during dieting and hard-training phases.

GO FISH: To increase the range of minerals you take in, consume a variety of seafood. For iodine, emphasize oysters, cod, sea bass, haddock and perch. To boost calcium, consume bone-in fish, such as sardines.

4. Fish is easily digested

One problem with dieting is the risk of burning valuable muscle mass along with unwanted bodyfat. The solution is to eat more protein during a weight-loss diet. Additional protein tricks the body— rather than burn muscle mass, the body will burn the extra protein for fuel.

As protein becomes a higher percentage of calories consumed, however, the body may have trouble digesting it. That’’s where fish comes into the picture. From the standpoint of “texture”” fish is softer and breaks apart rather easily, which makes it easier to digest than “denser”” proteins, such as chicken breast, turkey breast and lean cuts of beef. Since lean fish is a very fast-digesting form of protein, it’’s also great pre- or postworkout.

GO FISH | Consume items from the ““lean seafood”” list: sole, tuna, flounder, haddock, scallops, shrimp and crab.

5. Some fish is very inexpensive. One of the concerns about including fish in a daily diet is its expense. Not all types of fish, though, are prohibitively costly. A six-ounce can of white tuna, providing about 40 grams of protein, goes for just over a buck per can. It doesn’t have to be boring, either. Mix it with fat-free mayo or, for a different taste, a blend of fat-free mayo and fat-free sour cream. For ““tuna burgers”” drain the tuna well, combine it with two egg whites, two tablespoons of pancake mix and some spices. Form the mixture into patties and grill them on a nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray.

Canned fish is a frugal way to get good protein, healthy fats and a lot of calcium. Sardines and canned salmon are generally inexpensive. Even some frozen and fresh fish can be relatively inexpensive. Check the freezer and fresh-fish counter at your local grocery store or warehouse club for good values— prices sometime vary by season and locale.

GO FISH: If budget is an issue, choose canned fish, such as tuna, sardines, salmon and anchovies, and look for lessexpensive frozen and fresh varieties, such as haddock, flounder and sole.

Reasons Why your Biceps arent Growing

Have you ever felt that no matter how much you trained your biceps you’re left saying… “My Biceps STILL Aren’t Growing?”

biceps muscle anatomy including long head, short head and brachialis


A common mistake with is to think that more is better when it comes to building bigger biceps. However that’s not the case, especially since it is such a small muscle group. 

Many people’s mistake is often to continue to add more and more frequency when you are trying to build bigger arms.  The right thing to do is to first step back, take away some volume and frequency and monitor how your body responds.

It’s not about protein synthesis every 48 hours!

It’s about giving that muscle group a chance to recover so that you can stimulate it again in a meaningful way. You don’t want to just coast through another half-assed workout, but actually hit it in a way that leads to progressive overload.

2. Wrong Form/Posture 

Image result for biceps not growing

First things first, check you posture. You can do mammoth sets with mammoth reps but if your form isn’t right, your guns won’t grow. Biceps are the easiest muscle group to target, and hence, it’s easier to stress.

3. Obey the Speed Limit

One of the keys to growing the biceps (or any muscle for that matter) is progressive overload.

Usually this comes in the form of adding weight to the arm exercises that you are doing, and increasing that weight over time.

Progressive overload is the gradual increase of stress placed upon a muscle during training in order to achieve growth.

Some people try to add more and more biceps exercises as a form of stimulus overload to build bigger arms.

But with the biceps this just doesn’t work!

When we’re trying to progressively overload the biceps, it’s important we remember that they are limited in their function.

5. Doing The Same Exercise Over And Over Again

Always remember, your muscles get accustomed to a certain exercise. You don’t have to work the same grips, angles or planes of motion over and over. Divide you bicep workout –  use a close, medium and wide grip bar. Also, pull from lower pulley and also from the upper pulley.

6. Don’t Stop Short

The way to force the most muscle fibers into exhaustion is by moving them through their full range of motion. Start every rep with the biceps fully lengthened to get the most out of every set and to take advantage of the growth-inducing effects directly initiated by stretching a muscle under tension, which include satellite cell activation and local IGF-1 release.

6 .The Main Squeeze

Just like getting a good stretch is vitally important for inducing hypertrophy, so is a strong peak contraction at the top of any kind of curl. If you take a moment to flex and squeeze the biceps hard when at the full contraction point of every rep you will create greater blood flow, fire off more muscle fibers, and increase lactic acid burn – all of which will increase the possibility of adding inches to your arms.

7. Not Letting Them Rest

Image result for biceps not growingAdequate rest is the key to size gain. The muscle essentially breaks when you work it out. It only gains size and strength while repairing when you give it rest. So don’t hammer your biceps every day. Dedicate days to bicep workout.

Steroids in the eyes of Bodybuilding

Steroids in the eyes of Bodybuilding

“Anabolic steroids are used for some medical conditions, but people also use them illegally in some sports settings. They use them to boost muscle mass, performance, and endurance and to shorten recovery time between workouts”

What are Anabolic Steroids?

Illegal sale of dangerous steroids in France halted; 24 arrests | Eurojust | European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation

AASs are synthetic versions of the primary male hormone, testosterone. They affect many parts of the body, including the muscles, bones, hair follicles, liver, kidneys, blood, immune system, reproductive system and the central nervous system.

During puberty, increases in testosterone levels enable the development of characteristics such as facial and body hair growth, increased height and muscle mass, a deepening voice, and the sex drive.

Testosterone can also contribute to competitiveness, self-esteem, and aggressiveness.

The definition of steroids is, “man-made derivatives of testosterone, the male hormone. They synthesize protein and help promote muscle growth”.4 Types of steroids include anabolic and growth hormones.

The definition of an anabolic steroid is, “Any drug or harmful substance, chemically and pharmacologically related to testosterone (other than estrogen, progestins, and corticostoroids) that promotes muscle growth, any drug or hormonal substance that stimulates the endogenous production of steroids in the human body which acts in the same manner”

2 Types of anabolic steroids include oral and intramuscular injection. Steroids taken orally have a half-life of several hours, while injected steroids have a half-life of several days.2 Steroids taken orally usually come on the form of a pill. It takes these water-soluble pills three to four weeks to clear the body.

The oil-based injections take six to eight months to leave the body.1 After steroids are taken, the steroid molecule bonds to cell receptor sites. Now the steroid molecule can increase protein synthesis, increase nitrogen retention, make metabolic changes, and increase size and strength of skeletal muscle cells.

There are up to 32 types of anabolic steroid listed on commercial websites

Who Uses Steroids?

The public is under the belief that taking steroids will automatically make the user become built and muscular, which is not so. While using steroids, the user must still exercise.

Some people also believe that the only way to achieve a muscular build is by using steroids, yet again, this is wrong. Many people who work hard achieve an excellent physique naturally.

Male bodybuilders and athletes make up most of the steroid users in the U.S.; female athletes and teenaged athletes use steroids as well.

One of the most famous steroid users is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger has held the title of Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia. He used steroids before the health risks were known and before they were illegal.

Another famous steroid user is Sergio Olivia. Olivia was also a bodybuilder and competed against Schwarzenegger. Both men no longer use steroids. They realized their health was more important then rapid muscle growth.


Using anabolic steroids harms your health and social image

The adverse effects of AAS use depend on the product, the age and sex of the user, how much they use, and for how long.

AAS use comes with several risks, making them potentially dangerous for most people. While certain methods can minimize some of these risks, they cannot be fully avoided.

Frequent blood work is important

AAS use can affect several lab values, making frequent blood work important to avoid major complications. Steroid use can affect the following lab values

  • Can increase hemoglobin and hematocrit. These blood markers play an important role in oxygen delivery throughout your body. Increased levels can thicken your blood and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Can reduce HDL (good) cholesterol and raise LDL (bad) cholesterol. HDL and LDL cholesterol should be within healthy ranges. Lower HDL and higher LDL levels may increase heart disease risk.
  • Can increase liver markers. AAS use has been associated with increased aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT), two markers of liver function. Elevated levels may indicate liver dysfunction.

You should consult your medical provider before beginning a regimen that alters your body’s natural hormone levels.

Legally prescribed normal-dose anabolic steroids may have the following side effects:

  • acne
  • fluid retention
  • difficulty or pain when urinating
  • enlarged male breasts, known as gynecomastia
  • increased red cell count
  • lower levels of “good” HDL cholesterol and higher levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol
  • hair growth or loss
  • low sperm count and infertility
  • changes in libido


Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are a synthetic form of testosterone used to increase muscle mass and strength.

While their health risks vary by the type and amount taken, they can be dangerous and cause side effects at any dose. Plus, they’re illegal in most places.

Using AAS is a very serious decision, and the risks generally outweigh any benefits.


Quick and Delicious Chocolate Protein Balls

Quick and Delicious Chocolate Protein Balls

Quarantined and working from home, looking for a delicious plus nutritious guilt free snack?

SAY NO MORE! Try out this efficient Protein Balls Recipe, It only takes a few minutes.



  • 1 1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 3 tbsp natural peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 scoops (about 5060 grams) chocolate protein powder (Optional)
  • 2 Tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
  • 30g Dates
  • half a cup coconut
  • 1 tbsp Cocoa

Chocolate Peanut Butter 

  1. Place oats, peanut butter, honey, protein powder, chocolate chips, dates, coconut, cocoa in a large bowl and stir to combine.Peanut Butter Protein Balls (Any Protein Powder) - iFOODreal - Healthy Family Recipes
  2. Once combined, use a small cookie scoop to scoop and form the dough into balls.
  3. Store in a covered container in the fridge or freezer

Almond & Cacao Freezer Protein Balls | @OmNomAlly




VOILA! You have your delicious Protein Balls! Snack on anytime during the day and get a good energy boost as well.



Do Bodyweight Exercises Build Muscle?

Can bodyweight exercises build muscle?

How to Build Muscle at Home With No Equipment | by Dhimant Indrayan | Better Humans | Medium

Yes, bodyweight exercises can build muscle if you use the following principles: increase reps, decrease rest times, perform variations, train to failure, increase time under tension, and implement mechanical drop sets.


Muscle Building 101


How Long Does it Take to Build Muscles?

Let’s quickly cover what it takes to build muscle. Building muscle primarily comes down to 3 factors:

1. Mechanical Tension

This is primarily what happens when you lift heavy things. If you’ve ever tried lifting a heavy barbell off the ground that weighs more than you do, this is mechanical tension at work. You’re working your hardest to keep your shoulders packed, spine neutral, and core tight. When muscles are exposed to lots of mechanical tension, they respond by growing.

2. Metabolic Stress

This is the burning sensation that you get when muscles are fatigued. It’s also known as the “pump” in the bodybuilding world, as muscles engorge with blood which can make them look swollen and vascular.

3. Muscle Damage

This is the muscular soreness that you feel 24-48 hours after a workout. While you don’t need to feel soreness to build muscle, it is generally a good sign that local muscles are being repaired and getting stronger.

There’s more that goes into the science of muscle growth, but we’re going to leave it at the basics. As long as you have significant mechanical tension and metabolic stress (muscle damage plays a smaller role), you will build muscle.

In real world terms, you can fulfill these requirements through a variety of different training methods.

Of course, traditional weight lifting is an effective means of building muscle. Resistance bands can also build muscle. Even just tensing muscles in what’s called isometric contractions can build muscle.

The big question for this article is whether the resistance of your bodyweight is enough to stimulate muscle growth?

Try one or all six of these tactics in your next workout and see what tests your muscles the most:

At-Home Workout With Spartan's Director of Training | Spartan Race


1 . Increase reps and sets; decrease rest time. The more you do an exercise, the more you’ll increase the metabolic stress you put on your muscles. Do more reps and sets of bodyweight exercises than you’d typically do at the gym with weights for similar results. You also want to limit breaks between those reps and sets, too, without sacrificing proper form. This puts more stress on the muscle, promoting growth. In fact, research shows that low-load resistance training (with a light weight or bodyweight) combined with little rest may enhance metabolic stress and increase muscle size even more than lifting heavy weights and taking longer breaks. If you typically lift weights for about eight reps in the gym, try doing that same move for 20 reps at home with just your body.

2. Change the angle or tempo of the exercise. To increase microtrauma, try taking your lunges for a walk or stepping out on a diagonal. Or add an incline or decline to your push-ups, suggests Galbraith. Changing the angle can both incorporate other muscles into the move, but also work different parts of the same muscle group. It’s also a good idea to slow down the eccentric or downward phase of an exercise (like when you lower to the bottom of a deadlift) and then explode up (quickly moving up from a deadlift or hinged position). Another option: Slow down the entire exercise. For example, lower into a squat on a count of three, holding at the bottom for three, then stand up on another count of three. This increases the time your muscle is under tension, meaning you’re more likely to create microtraumas within your slow-twitch muscle fibers, which have more endurance capacity than fast-twitch fibers.

3. Add some holds and half-reps. This can add more metabolic stress to the muscles, thus resulting in more gains. For example, if lunges feel easy, hold the bottom of the movement (both knees bent 90 degrees) for a few seconds before standing up. Or, step back into your lunge, lift halfway up, then drop back down before you come back up to standing. Also, try stopping short of standing all the way up from a squat or lunge, or stop short of lowering all the way down in a glute bridge. This works because you’re putting the muscle under tension for a longer period of time, or eliminating any points in the movement where the working muscle gets a break.

4. Do more plyometrics. Plyometric Training — Q&A : SimplyGym To increase the tension on your muscles, add some explosiveness to your moves. Squat jumps, lunge jumps, hinge jumps, burpees—they all count toward more muscle building. When a muscle is stretched, it leads to nerve firing that signals a concentric contraction (shortening of the muscle). A quicker stretch (like what happens during the explosive portion of a plyometric exercise) leads to a stronger nerve firing and greater resulting contraction of the muscle. That stronger contraction means your muscle is working harder, and will likely result in more microtrauma and thus more gains. One study on young soccer players found that those who performed plyometric moves had similar muscle gains to those who did resistance training.

5. Perform single-sided exercises. Switch your typical bilateral (or two-sided) exercises to unilateral (or one-sided) movements. That means turning a squat to a pistol squat, making your glute bridge a single-leg bridge, or turning your plank into a single arm (and/or leg) plank. These simple switches can increase the microtrauma to a muscle, as well as add more tension or load to that muscle, says Galbraith. Think about it: One side is handling all the weight rather than splitting it.

6. Focus on the eccentric (or lowering) part of the exercise. For example, the eccentric part of a push-up is when you lower yourself from the top of the push-up to the ground. For a squat, the downward motion as you sit down is the eccentric movement. Training the eccentric will lead to more muscle damage.

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Not everything you do to build muscle happens in the gym. 

In fact, a lot of the hard work comes in the kitchen. To adequately build muscle, you need to be eating in a caloric surplus. This means that you need to be eating more calories than what your body burns on a daily basis and it is these added calories that will give you the extra energy your body needs to build muscle. You might know this as bulking.

For example, let’s just say your maintenance calories is 2000 calories per day. That’s how much you have to eat so that your weight remains the same—you won’t gain weight and you won’t lose any either. To put you in a caloric surplus to build muscle, while minimizing as much fat gain as possible, try adding an extra 200-500 calories. This will make your daily calorie goal around 2200-2500 per day.

This is just an example caloric surplus as it’s a number that definitely varies depending on the individual. Some people might find that they are rapidly gaining too much fat eating at this caloric surplus, so they may need to lower the number of excessive calories they’re eating. If you find that you want to eat at a larger surplus or a smaller one, then simply adjust your calories to suit your needs.


What Are The BEST Protein Sources to Build Muscle? (Eat These!) - YouTube

The building blocks for muscles is protein. This is why it’s pivotal to ensure that you’re eating enough protein in your diet to encourage that muscle growth. Combined with your strength training, whether that’s in the gym or using bodyweight exercises, you can stimulate muscle growth and see the gains you want to see.

Never Stop Progressing

As with any type of exercise, there’s always a risk of hitting a plateau if you keep doing it over and over again without playing around with any variables or continuing to test your muscles in new ways. That’s why it’s important to progress your program, adding variations to the exercises and increasing the challenge on moves with the methods Galbraith mentions above—that’s how muscle building continues to happen.



Healthy Eating Tips during the Curfew

Lockdown has meant irregular schedules and changes in working routine, as well as when it comes to the diet. Some people have started becoming more diet-conscious while at home, avoiding heavy food that could impact health severely at times. Other people are guilty of overindulgence – reaching out for a snack more frequently.


Here are a few tips on how we can find the balance in terms of our diet :


1. Constructing meals

One simple approach could be to look at meals as consisting of three elements: Protein (red), carbohydrate/fibre (yellow) and fruit and/or vegetables (green). You could call this the ‘power of three’. These rules mean you can be totally flexible as to what foods will serve as these three elements, and allow you to adapt to what is available at home and/or in the shops.

  • The protein element does not need to be chicken or eggs, but can be other lean meats, fish, beans/pulses, nuts/seeds or plant-based protein products (e.g. soy-based tofu). Try to limit the processed meats and vegetarian equivalents where possible.
  • For the carb/fibre element, this can be pasta, rice, bread, corn/maize, potatoes or other root vegetables and other cereals. Try to choose some wholegrain varieties as well, especially as these tend to be more likely to be left on the shelves!
  • For the fruit and veg element, this could be anything available, either fresh, frozen or tinned. The more variety the better! Fruit and veg also serve as excellent healthy snacks for adults and children alike.

2. Healthy Snacking

Habitual grazers will be glad to learn that you can still snack frequently and live a healthy life, so long as the snacks at hand are low calorie alternatives.

Try swapping your usual high sugar or high fat snacks for treats such as yoghurts, nuts and seeds, or fruit.

Additionally, you can always swap high calorie chocolate bars for the healthier option of dark chocolate with a reduced portion, such as two squares.

Incorporate dietary shakes in your diet, Like homemade protein shakes made with fresh milk, oats, peanut butter..etc Green shakes that include Spinach, Oats..etc. This could be also a healthy alternative to get a nutritional meal in to make you feel full and well energized during the day. 

3. Plan Ahead

Diabetes Meal Planning | Eat Well with Diabetes | CDC

Thinking of meals to make at home can become a laborious task during lockdown. Now that restaurants and cafes have closed, we all have less inspiration than usual.

Instead of leaving thoughts of meal times to the last minute – which can leave you reaching for unhealthy snacks to solve the problem – try to plan ahead.

Make a menu for the week ahead before you go shopping, ensuring to include as many healthy meals and snacks as possible on your shopping list, while cutting the unhealthy options.

Before the start of the week, try to prepare the week’s upcoming meals in advance, or, at the very least, decide upon a meal you will cook for each upcoming night.

4. Consume oily fish

Benefits of Fish Oil And Its Side Effects | Lybrate

Canned oily fish in particular is a really handy item to have in your cupboard while on lockdown, Not only is it cheap and has a long shelf life, but it is rich in omega-3, which studies say can improve mental well being.

“Oily fish is also one of the few rich sources of vitamin D in the diet,” Benelam adds, “something we all need to consider if we’re staying at home and may not be getting much sun exposure, which is our main source of vitamin D.

“Vitamin D is also important for bone health and to support the immune system.”

5. Be Sure to Hydrate

Hydrate the Soul – PSA International

“Drinking an adequate amount of fluid is essential in order for you to feel and function at your best,” says Ludlam-Raine.

But it doesn’t have to be just water, you can get your hydration via squash, tea, coffee and milk, she adds.

“It all counts towards the 8 glasses of fluid that we need, though you may need more if it’s hot or you have just exercised.

“Keep any caffeinated drinks to a minimum and try not to drink them from mid-afternoon so they don’t affect your sleep.”

Balance is key


While being healthy does require you to be responsible, and at times a little regimented in order to maintain a routine, it’s important to remember that you can always indulge every now and again.

Treating yourself will help give you a little mood boost when you need it, while also stopping you from breaking your healthy habits for good.

Lockdown has already restricted our lives, so occasionally throwing out the ‘rulebook’ will ensure you make it out of lockdown not only healthy, but happy, and ready to take on the world.


How to stay fit and motivated during the curfew?

How to stay fit and motivated during the curfew?

It was just a minute ago, when you thought everything was getting back to normal, Those Home workouts were almost coming to an end, when you thought it was time to hang up the resistance bands, when we all were getting ready to get back to our daily lifestyle…. Till the second wave hit. Now, we cant go back to square one and let all our hard work just get dusted off can we?

Here are some ways to stay Motivated and Maintain fitness levels till the situation gets back to normal.

Find a routine

How to Find a Workout Routine You Love - 131 Method

Find a routine that you feel COMFORTABLE, something you know yu can consistently peform for a period of time, the key thing is to stick with it. The NHS recommends that adults aged 19 to 64 need to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week. This includes being active every day and doing strengthening activities at least twice a week.

So, what does ‘moderate-intensity activity’ look like? Well, things like brisk walking, riding a bike, dancing, and rollerblading all count. You can try and beat your daily steps target, follow a daily exercise YouTube channel.

Resistance exercises can also help strengthen your muscles and improve your mobility. Some of these exercises can be performed using weights or resistance bands, but if you don’t have access to them, that shouldn’t stop you. Squats or sit-to-stands from a sturdy chair, push-ups against a wall or the kitchen counter, and lunges or single-leg step-ups on stairs are all great for those new to these kinds of exercises. 25 Best Resistance Bands to Use for Your Whole Body Workouts

Got 15 Minutes And A Bag Of Rice? Try This Beginner-Friendly Strength Workout! - Fitbit Blog

you could even put your tins of baked beans, bags of rice, bottled water or flour to good use. They make great dumbbell substitutes or, if you tie them up in a carrier bag, you have an improvised kettlebell, Gas cylinders, Any weight that is comfortable for you to put in a good workout.

Diet is also key when you are trying to stay fit, of course indulge in a few cheat meals here and there, but 80% of the time focus on clean foods and hydrate well. One you get in the zone, your body and mind will adapt to the nature of your eating habits.

Consistency and Motivation

Music and Exercise: How Music Affects Exercise Motivation

No matter how many workouts you do a day, there is no point in hoping for progress if you aren’t consistent, and for consistency you need to master Motivation.

For motivation, we recommend Music, watching motivational YouTube videos, listening to podcasts, reading… etc anything that will keep you going.

Tracking your progress every 2 days, or end of every week is also a great tactic to keep motivated, the more you see your progress, the more you will want to keep going.

Stay in control, don’t overdo it and not enjoy the process.



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