20 Minute Extreme Fat Loss Workout

20 Minute Extreme Fat Loss Workout!

Looking to Burn off those stubborn fat that’s stuck on your body? Tried doing endless Cardio workouts and Still not getting the results you desire?

Well Fear no more, We at Strong.lk have catered a result deriving quick and Efficient Workout that you can perform anytime of the day at the gym for both Males and Females to help boost your fat metabolism and achieve your Weight Loss Goals.

Extreme Fat Loss Workout

Fat burners Sri lanka


Frequency – 3 Times per week
Workout 1 Duration Reps Sets Comments
Barbell Deadlift Superset with Barbell Row 12 5 Only take 10 to 15 secs of rest between sets
Barbell Squats 10 5 Pause at the bottom for 2 secs
Barbell Thrusters 15 5 Only take 10 to 15 secs of rest between sets

Note – Make sure to add a weight, something that is light and will get you pushing through the given Reps and Sets.

Make sure to take a good 10 minute break and follow Workout 2 Right away!

Fat loss ladies

Workout 2 Duration Reps Sets Comments
Jumping Jacks 45 secs 5 Take 15 to 20 secs rest Between Sets
Mountain Climbers 45 secs 5 Take 15 to 20 secs rest Between Sets
Skipping / High Knees 45 secs 5 Take 15 to 20 secs rest Between Sets
Planks 1 Minute 3 Take 15 to 20 secs rest Between Sets


With Workout 2, you complete the workout session for the day, Try to perform this 2 to 3 times per week consistently and you will be seeing some great Fat Loss progress.

Things to Note

Always Remember this is a General Program, We cant assure it would work for everyone, but we catered it to stimulate Fat loss through the intensity. What works for your friend might not work for you, since our body types differ from person to person, same goes with metabolic rates. Some people tend to have very slow metabolism, which would need more work.

Diet is Crucial, With a weak Diet. You would be seeing No results, even if you’re working out consistently, So make sure to allocate a good diet plan that will help you fuel through your workouts and provide the necessary nutrition.

To those looking for a customized Program to cater to your specified Body Goals, We would Recommend our Online Coaching Programs. Where we Cater customized workout and diet plans allocated to your Goal.

Get an Additional 10% OFF on Both Programs when you Register today!